Home » Blood circulation, here are 10 foods that are good for the body

Blood circulation, here are 10 foods that are good for the body

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Blood circulation, here are 10 foods that are good for the body

Health also (and above all) passes through table since it is what we introduce into our body. Diet, motor activity and zero bad habits really make the difference, combined in the right way. Fortunately, there are many foods that, in addition to satisfying the palate, are benefits for the body. We cannot underestimate how the quality of blood circulation also depends on the choice of food they eat.

Let’s go and report the dishes that have a particularly positive effect on our body. Furthermore, a food that is healthy means that it has a necessary and useful supply of nutrients and oxygen for all the cells of the body.

Furthermore, depending on how and how much we choose, food can protect the cardiovascular system and help prevent the onset of pathologies including the well-known arterial hypertension, or diabetes and the formation of the so-called “bad cholesterol” deposited in the arterial walls. This affects blood circulation, the life that literally “flows” within us.

Here are the foods beneficial for circulation in our body and why.

Vegetables. Leafy greens such as cabbage, spinach, zucchini and rocket are rich in vitamin K, a real protector for the arteries. In addition, nitrates help reduce blood pressure.

The fresh fruit. We make sure full of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C. All elements to protect the heart and arteries. Apricots, melons, pineapples, cherries, citrus fruits, plums, you can indulge yourself. And again, berries and red fruits, rich in antioxidants, useful for keeping bad cholesterol under control.

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The dried fruit. Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and peanuts they are good and healthy. A good load of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids that fight the increase in blood pressure.

The extra virgin olive oil. We are talking about a panacea because its oleic acid has protective effects against cardiovascular diseases.

The fish. Oily fish such as anchovies, sardines and mackerel are rich in omega-3as well as salmon.

Cereals. Especially whole grains (pasta, bread, rye etc) are rich in fiber which can help reduce bad cholesterol.

I leguminous. Beans, lentils and chickpeas, as well as being a source of vegetable protein and macronutrients and low in sugar and fat, contain essential mineral salts. All substances useful for reducing blood pressure.

Soy. This food is a legume with a high protein content. It is rich in omega-3s that fight cardiovascular disease.

The dark chocolate. This is a source of flavonoids which promote the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce cardiovascular risks. Especially the “very dark” one from 70% up.

Coffee and tea. These drinks contain polyphenols, substances with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Here, however, we need to remember an important behavior: moderation.

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