Home » Blue Monday 2024, is the third Monday in January really the saddest day of the year? – breaking latest news

Blue Monday 2024, is the third Monday in January really the saddest day of the year? – breaking latest news

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Blue Monday 2024, is the third Monday in January really the saddest day of the year? – breaking latest news

Blue Monday, the Invented Saddest Day of the Year

Blue Monday, known as the saddest day of the year, is a concept that has little scientific basis. The “discovery” of this day was reportedly made by a psychologist from Cardiff University in 2005, but many believe it was simply a marketing ploy. Typically falling on the third Monday of January, for 2024, this day falls on January 15. Although it is an artificial construct, there is a real possibility that sadness increases at this time of year due to a combination of factors such as the cold weather, short days, and the end of the holiday season.

“After the end of the Christmas holidays, as well as in autumn, we see a surge in requests for help from a psychologist,” stated David Lazzari, president of the National Council of the Order of Psychologists. “There may be a risk of the so-called ‘seasonal depression,’ and it is important to be aware of this malaise. In the most serious cases, it is necessary to ask for help.”

Furthermore, Claudio Mencacci, president of the Italian Society of Neuropsychopharmacology, highlighted the biological basis of depression, stating, “There is a biological basis linked to light, temperatures, and the fact that depression, along with other mental pathologies, has a seasonal pattern. These light/dark rhythms are important for the balance of our psyche.”

In describing the symptoms of seasonal depressive disorder, Giancarlo Cerveri, director of the complex Psychiatry operational unit at the ASST of Lodi, stated, “The seasonal trend is more frequent in females and tends to attenuate over time. Seasonal depression (SAD) is a form that manifests itself only in certain periods, and the main symptoms are excessive drowsiness, lack of energy and pleasure in carrying out any activity, depressive episodes, and a desire to sleep more and eat more.”

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Furthermore, seasonal depression has different symptoms from classic depression, and at a biological level, various brain areas and neurotransmitters are involved in the disorder, particularly those responsible for motivation, vital energy, and circadian rhythm. Treatments for seasonal depression include “light therapy,” which uses a special lamp to activate neurotransmitters. In more serious cases, light therapy must be combined with antidepressant drugs, and cognitive behavioral therapies have also proven to be useful.

Although Blue Monday may be a manufactured concept, it shines a light on the very real issues surrounding mental health and the need for increased awareness and support for those experiencing seasonal depression.

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