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“Boom in respiratory diseases and intestinal viruses”

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“Boom in respiratory diseases and intestinal viruses”

Family doctors warn of increase in respiratory and intestinal diseases in March

As the month of March progresses, family doctors are issuing a warning about the rise in respiratory and intestinal diseases. The recent fluctuation in temperatures has also been identified as a contributing factor to the increase in health issues.

Dr. Ivan Carrara, general secretary of the Italian Federation of Family Doctors (Fimmg) – Bergamo, shed light on the current situation in family doctors’ surgeries. While the actual flu cases have decreased, there has been a significant rise in cases of parainfluenza forms. Common illnesses being reported include respiratory infections, gastroenteritis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and rhinitis with viral causes. Allergies have also resurfaced, with many individuals experiencing symptoms.

Allergic forms have shown a specific trend this year, starting as early as February with mild days triggering symptoms. Despite recent rains, allergy sufferers are still feeling the effects. Dr. Carrara attributed the increase in symptoms to climate change and air pollution in Bergamo. The poor air quality, coupled with high concentrations of pollutants, is exacerbating symptoms for those with respiratory conditions and allergies.

When asked about potential solutions, Dr. Carrara suggested that wearing a mask can be beneficial for individuals in heavily polluted areas. However, he cautioned that pollution affects everyone, even those in rural villages. Additionally, he highlighted the importance of addressing domestic pollution, which can often surpass outdoor pollution levels due to cleaning solvents, cigarette smoke, and indoor heating practices.

As March progresses, individuals are urged to take precautions to protect their health and mitigate the impact of respiratory and intestinal diseases. With the ongoing threat of allergies and pollution, it is essential to stay informed and take proactive measures to safeguard well-being.

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