Home » Breakfast tip: This is what happens in the body when you drink olive oil every morning

Breakfast tip: This is what happens in the body when you drink olive oil every morning

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Breakfast tip: This is what happens in the body when you drink olive oil every morning

Virgin olive oil is considered healthy. Mediterranean cuisine in particular swears by it. But did you know that olive oil actually has a positive effect on your health in the morning? We tell you how much you should drink – and which olive oil is the best choice.

Just a tablespoon of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach can improve health and even have a positive effect on skin and hair.

This olive oil is the best

Olive oil bottles often have terms like “cold pressed” or “extra virgin”, but what does that actually mean?

  • Cold pressed olive oil is extracted without heat or chemicals, which can help preserve the nutrients and health-promoting compounds in the oil.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the highest quality and most natural olive oil obtained from the first cold pressing. It contains many health-promoting compounds such as polyphenols and antioxidants.

Although olive oil is very healthy, it is important to remember that fat is high in calories. A tablespoon of olive oil is about ten grams and contains about 88 calories. If that’s too much for you, you can also start with a teaspoon in the morning.

Olive oil stimulates digestion

A spoonful of olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning helps digestion. The oil has a slightly laxative effect. A small amount is harmless and is good for the intestines.

It helps relieve constipation and soften stools. That’s because olive oil is full of unsaturated fatty acids, which support the growth of gut bacteria and stimulate bowel movements.

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Danger: In large quantities, however, olive oil can cause intestinal problems. Therefore, you should consume olive oil in moderation and focus on a balanced and high-fiber diet.

Olive oil protects the liver

Up to 30 percent of Germans suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver, but often do not know anything about it. This is caused, for example, by being overweight or lack of exercise. But chronic inflammation can also lead to liver disease.

Olive oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has a positive effect on health, also shows a study. The study was conducted on rats and shows that those animals that had damaged livers and were fed extra virgin olive oil had a significant increase in antioxidant enzymes and had a significant improvement in liver health.

Olive oil can therefore balance the oxidative stress on the liver caused by toxins and thus protect the liver cells.

Olive oil is good for the heart

Olive oil is a true all-rounder for the cardiovascular system. The contained oleic acids protect the heart, lower the cholesterol level and keep the blood vessels elastic and supple.

Olive oil consists of 70 percent monounsaturated and 10 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids. This composition helps to lower harmful LDL cholesterol and thus balance the ratio to healthy HDL cholesterol. In this way, among other things, the risk of deposits in the vessels is reduced.

Olive oil is also beautiful

Consuming a spoonful of olive oil every morning is also good for your hair and nails. Olive oil contains biotin, which strengthens and protects hair and nails from within. You can also use the oil externally by applying it to your hair and nails.

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It is therefore very simple to do something good for your health: a spoonful of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach is enough to improve digestion, protect the liver, strengthen the cardiovascular system and promote beauty from within .

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