Home » Business interruptions in pharmacies have many causes

Business interruptions in pharmacies have many causes

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Business interruptions in pharmacies have many causes

Probably the greatest risk for a pharmacist is a pharmacy that is closed for a long time

Business interruptions in pharmacies can occur for various reasons and pose a significant risk for pharmacy owners. From natural disasters to technical defects to unforeseen events such as fire or water damage, numerous causes can lead to a longer closure of the pharmacy. The risk is not only financial loss, but also a possible loss of customer confidence.

To counteract this risk, pharmacy owners rely on certain special features in their insurance policy. The “pharmaceutical clause” and “best performance guarantee” are two such special aspects that can help decisively.

The “Pharmacy Clause” allows the pharmacy owner to bring in an experienced pharmacist to get expert support in such a situation. The pharmacist is contributing its knowledge and expertise to resume operations as quickly as possible and minimize the impact of the business interruption. With its help, appropriate measures can be taken and an efficient reopening process can be planned.

The “Best Performance Guarantee” is another important aspect included in this insurance policy. With this guarantee, all coverage extensions offered on the German market at the time of the damage are automatically included in the insurance. This means that the pharmacy benefits from the best possible services and does not have to compromise on insurance coverage. In the event of a business interruption, all necessary costs and damages are covered in order to be able to resume operations as quickly as possible.

Every pharmacy owner makes great efforts to prevent a pharmacy from being closed for a long period of time. The special features of the “pharmaceutical clause” and “best performance guarantee” in the insurance policy offer valuable support. Business interruptions can be managed effectively through the involvement of an experienced pharmacy board and comprehensive insurance cover.

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Business interruptions in pharmacies are a significant risk that pharmacy owners deal with with great care. The special features of the “pharmaceutical clause” and “best performance guarantee” in the insurance policy offer crucial assistance. The involvement of an experienced pharmacist ensures expert support in dealing with a business interruption, while the “Best Performance Guarantee” ensures that all relevant extensions of coverage are automatically included. With these measures, pharmacy owners can minimize the risk of a longer business interruption and work towards the pharmacy being able to reopen as quickly as possible.

by Oliver Ponleroy, specialist journalist

ApoRisk® GmbH is an insurance broker and has been a specialist in the risks of pharmacists for many years. The brokerage company is experienced in the pharmacy industry and independent. The direct concept via the Internet portals aporisk.de and pharmarisk.de saves our customers a lot of money. This saving benefits the high value and fair price of the policies.

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76133 Karlsruhe
0721-16 10 66-0
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ApoRisk GmbH
Robert Gunder
76133 Karlsruhe
0721-16 10 66-10
0721-16 10 66-20

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