Home » Can not you sleep? It may seem paradoxical, but you make the most serious mistake as soon as you wake up

Can not you sleep? It may seem paradoxical, but you make the most serious mistake as soon as you wake up

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Can not you sleep?  It may seem paradoxical, but you make the most serious mistake as soon as you wake up

The Art of Sleep: How to Properly Rest at Night

Has sleeping properly at night become a utopia now? Of course, you make this mistake in the morning and it compromises your entire day.

For most people, being able to rest well has now become a real challenge. In fact, between stress and tiredness accumulated during the day, in the end, once in bed, instead of relaxing you already think about tomorrow full of anxieties and worries that negatively impact our quality of sleep. If you make this mistake, you will never sleep well – Newsicily.it
In other words, we think so much about tomorrow that it almost becomes impossible to enjoy the moment of well-deserved rest. And so the following morning, after a restless if not completely sleepless night, you are just more tired than before. In short, a vicious cycle that is truly difficult to break and which in the long run could even irreversibly compromise our rest.

However, beyond anxiety, stress, and tiredness, There is another aspect that very few people consider but that makes a difference in the long run. In fact, many people make a very serious mistake when they wake up in the morning and it has serious consequences for the rest of the day. But what is it?

Do you do this thing in the morning? Stop now: you’re only ruining your sleep

It may seem strange, but it is precisely when you wake up that you are damaging your sleep, as if you were mortgaging your rest. The truth is that there is a seemingly harmless morning habit that massively influences the way you sleep. As they explained to HuffPost Chester Wu, sleep medicine specialist, and neuroscientist Chelsie Rohrscheib, your phone is directly responsible for poor sleep quality. Cell phones are responsible for poor sleep quality – Newsicily.it
Specifically, staying in bed after the alarm goes off, a shaking your cell phone is more harmful than we can imagine. In fact, it is as if our brain is unable to activate completely precisely because it remains in bed in a state of torpor that does not allow it to operate at 100%. In fact, staying in bed only makes us lazier and dizzier.

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“When I wake up, I immediately get out of bed and do other things in another part of the house“ explained Chelsie Rohrscheib. “This helps maintain the association in the brain that the bedroom is just a place to rest, which promotes better sleep quality“. As soon as the alarm goes off, get up even if it’s hard there will be time and way to control the smartphone.

In summary, proper sleep is influenced by both our mental state and our physical actions when we wake up. By reducing anxiety and avoiding lingering in bed with our phones, we may be able to achieve a more restful night’s sleep.

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