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Carolina, flourished after the stroke

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Carolina, flourished after the stroke

The smile of Caroline Boggio light up anything. Meeting it, one immediately gets the feeling that it is generated by a different awareness, extraneous to most. “It’s as if I have a little Buddha inside me,” she says as she sips tea, a drink that she has learned to appreciate in the many trips that have taken her to the Philippines, India, Africa, Myammar and Patagonia. «Traveling opens the mind, it puts you in communication with others and with different cultures» underlines Carolina.
His profound awareness, however, comes from a much more difficult journey that began eight years ago. In the 2015, while she was doing gymnastics in the garden of the house with a friend, she first felt cramps in her legs, immediately after she started talking strangely and then collapsed. She had had a stroke. It was only the promptness of her friend and her mother, in immediately activating her emergency services, that saved her life.
Carolina is treated first a Varese and then in a specialized center a Masnaga Coast, near Cantu. «I spent the first ten days in a pharmacological coma – says the girl -. I was having lucid dreams and talking like a minion. I understood what I meant, but I could not put into words the precise images I had in some area of ​​my brain. I had become a stroke patientI was part of another planet.”

After a year, during a vacation, he decides to read “Discovering the Garden of the Mind. What I learned from my stroke” the book of the neurologist Jill Bolte Taylor. A sort of bible for those affected by this disease. A mirror capable of giving back to the patient the image of the future that awaits him, starting with healing times.
How long will it take to get back to how it was before? is in fact the question that echoes in the mind of a stroke patient. For Taylor it took eight long yearsthe. A time that may seem infinite for those who have to face it.

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Instead, the years pass between physiotherapy, exercises and travel, especially internal. Always poised between moments of depression and the enthusiasm unleashed by progress. «If a person gets sick there is a reason and also an explanation – says Carolina -. We need to investigate within ourselves. We are so unaccustomed to cultivate our own spiritual part which instead is the one capable of opening many doors and freeing up spaces for positivity and healing».
For a 33-year-old osteopath who is familiar with acupuncture, applied kinesiology, reiki and Vipassana meditation, the disease has been an extraordinary accelerator. Carolina committed to regaining the gift of speech with the daily help of the speech therapist, she learns to feel with your handsbecome more sensitive, including the one marked by the stroke.

Today he devotes a lot of his time as a professional health to children, down, oncological and with very serious disabilities, hospitalized in specialized hospitals. “I feel theirs is an unconditional love and for some the soul is already in another dimension, in a world that is far different from the one we live in. It’s a feeling that comes from a deep empathy, difficult to explain, but very real. When I treat children there is an extraordinary reciprocity: it is from the shared emotion that the result arises».

There are those who argue that writing has a healing power. Carolina has written a book entitled “Fiori di Ictus” (Europe editions). An oxymoron that reconciles the beauty of what has been created with the conscious pain of those who have taken the path of disease. An intense diary that reveals the strength and weakness of the human being in the face of the journey of existence. Carolina writes: «I was born twice… Living again made me rediscover some hidden sides, both about myself and about other people. I’ve always been convinced that everything that happens, good or bad, is a sign. From a picked flower to having a disease, you just have to listen to yourself and get to the core. That’s all, even if we have to work on it».

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