Home » Castilla-La Mancha Celebrates II Festival of Children and Families in Honor of International Day of Families

Castilla-La Mancha Celebrates II Festival of Children and Families in Honor of International Day of Families

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Castilla-La Mancha Celebrates II Festival of Children and Families in Honor of International Day of Families

The regional authorities of Castilla-La Mancha just lately celebrated the II Festival of the Rights of Children and Families with roughly 700 girls and boys from all around the area. The occasion, which came about on the ‘La Hipica’ Fairgrounds in Cuenca, marked the thirtieth anniversary of the International Day of Families that’s noticed on May 15.

The opening ceremony was carried out by Minister of Social Welfare, Bárbara García Torijano, and Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Amador Pastor. The occasion was organized with the cooperation of the Cuenca Regional Council and the Cuenca City Council, who supplied the venue for the pageant.

During the occasion, García Torijano highlighted the federal government’s dedication to defending and selling the rights of youngsters and households in Castilla-La Mancha. She emphasised the significance of the regulation handed final 12 months and the continued efforts to enhance the standard of life for younger individuals and households within the area.

Various actions and workshops had been organized all through the day, together with performances, workshops, and informative periods by organizations devoted to youngsters and households within the area. The pageant additionally noticed the participation of the Children’s Participation Table of Castilla-La Mancha, which represents and advocates for kids all through the area.

Overall, the pageant aimed to boost consciousness in regards to the rights of youngsters and households and promote applications reminiscent of foster care. The occasion was a collaborative effort involving authorities officers, organizations, and contributors from throughout the area.

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