Home » “Chemotherapy pneumonia”, Eleonora Giorgi returns to talk about her illness on social media

“Chemotherapy pneumonia”, Eleonora Giorgi returns to talk about her illness on social media

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“Chemotherapy pneumonia”, Eleonora Giorgi returns to talk about her illness on social media

by Editorial Staff

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After being absent from social media for a long time, the actress Eleonora Giorgi he broke the silence, returning to talk about his battle against pancreatic cancer, discovered a few months ago.

From the moment of the discovery, the sex-symbol actress of the 70s began a course of chemotherapy which severely debilitated her and caused her to have many health problems.

Surrounded by the affection of her loved ones, Eleonora Giorgi she had to face a complex path, which caused her great physical and mental weakness.

The story on social media

The actress herself shared her experience with a video on social media aimed at all her fans: “We broke up when I was about to have chemo and after a few days I should have returned to Myrta Merlino on television, but instead I had a fever , cough and we discovered that I had a nice one immune-lowering pneumoniathat is, almost like chemo”, revealed Eleonora Giorgi.

“I had incredible weakness and a fever that never dropped below 38 and it scared me a little,” he later added.

The actress, who demonstrated great strength of mind, wanted to reassure her fans about her current health conditions: “I recovered and I wasn’t hospitalized for pneumonia, but I still had to take fifteen days of antibiotics.”

Added to the fever were further health problems: “I had an infusion infection. In short, in a few days I had anesthesia, contrast treatments and even a small operation. Let’s say that they have been tiring days but I am optimistic, I have to fight and do what the doctors tell me.”

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Eleonora Giorgi will soon have to undergo a new PET scan to understand if the chemo worked and if she can undergo surgery to remove the tumor.

Finally, she thanked all the fans for the affection shown to her during this difficult period: “Reading you was wonderful, especially in those days when I didn’t move. Thanks for the love.”

Among the reasons that encouraged her to carry on was her little nephew, son of Paolo Ciavarro and Clizia Incorvaia, whom the actress spoke about in the social video message and who helped her face these complicated moments.

Instagram photo

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