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Chilblains on hands, feet and ears: what they are, remedies and complications

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Chilblains on hands, feet and ears: what they are, remedies and complications

These skin lesions, typically winter, may also depend on some rheumatological diseases

Roberto De Filippis

One of the problems that distinguish winter are chilblains, the appearance of which is favored by low temperatures, especially if associated with high humidity. When they do not depend on rheumatological diseases they are easily cured, but this does not mean that they must be neglected, otherwise one can face very annoying consequences.

With chilblains, the skin changes color

After a period in which they had fallen into oblivion, chilblains made a comeback with the Covid 19 pandemic. In fact, after healing from the first variants of this virus, it was not uncommon for similar-looking lesions to appear on the fingers. Chilblains consist of a change in the color of the skin, which can take on shades ranging from red to dark blue. Among the symptoms of these lesions are also theerythemacharacterized by itching and redness of the skin, and theedemathat is, a swelling, which may or may not be associated with pain and burning. “To determine the appearance of chilblains is a considerable vasoconstriction, in which the skin takes on a color that tends to white, followed by a marked vasodilation”, explains the professor Paolo Pigatto, head of the Dermatology Operative Unit of the Irccs Galeazzi-Sant’Ambrogio Hospital in Milan. Therefore, while making their appearance when you are still exposed to the cold, these lesions cause greater discomfort after returning to a well-heated environment.

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Anti-inflammatories help against Chilblains

It is usual to distinguish two forms of chilblains: the idiopathic one, whose only cause is the harsh climate combined with humidity, and the secondary one. In the latter case, rheumatological pathologies, such as the Raynaud’s disease, which leads to impaired blood circulation in the extremities. Chilblains generally appear right on the extremities, in particular on the terminal parts of the fingers and toesof naso and some ears, which are the ones most exposed to frost. When they occur, it is helpful to massage the affected parts of the body, without however rubbing them excessively, so as to favor the restoration of normal blood circulation. “In these situations, anti-inflammatories are also useful, to be applied locally or, better still, to be taken orally. Chilblains can also be treated with alpha-lytic drugs, which slow down the vasodilation that occurs when you return to a warm environment after being exposed to the cold. On the other hand, it is absolutely not necessary to place the parts of the body on which the lesions are located in contact or near heat sources, because otherwise the process of vasodilation will be accelerated, making the situation worse. Therefore, you must neither place your hands or feet on the heaters nor immerse them in hot water” recommends Professor Pigatto.

If chilblains are not treated, ulcers can form

Even if they shouldn’t cause excessive concern, chilblains shouldn’t be overlooked at all. “If you don’t take care of them properly, by going to your doctor if they occur often, you run the risk of forming small ulcers, which can cause considerable discomfort”, warns the expert. Especially frequent sufferers should try to do not stay outdoors for a long time if the temperatures are particularly cold. When you go out it is also important to cover yourself well, wearing gloves and heavy socks and a hat that also covers the ears well. “These recommendations are valid above all when you are in places such as ski slopes, where the rigidity of the climate is associated with the humidity of the snow, ideal conditions to favor vasoconstriction and, secondarily, the appearance of chilblains”, concludes Professor Pigatto.

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