Home » Cleaning the Birkenstock footbed: Taking proper care of the cork sandals

Cleaning the Birkenstock footbed: Taking proper care of the cork sandals

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Cleaning the Birkenstock footbed: Taking proper care of the cork sandals

Birkenstocks are trendy classic sandals that can last for generations if you keep them clean and take care of them regularly. They have a sturdy sole, but the footbeds are notorious for getting dirty and smelly. We explain how to clean the Birkenstock footbed to remove dirt, grime and odor and get your sandals back in shape.

Cleaning the Birkenstock footbed: Tips and home remedies for proper care

Birkenstocks are known for their signature cork footbed, which is actually made out of four different materials: cork, jute, latex and suede. The top layer of the footbed can darken over time as it absorbs oil from bare feet and dirt. Luckily, there are some effective ways to clean Birkenstocks when the footbeds smell or feel sticky.

Remove small stains with detergent

Remove small stains from the suede with washing-up liquid

If there are just a few small stains on the footbed, you can remove them with a simple combination of dish soap and water.

Fill a bowl with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap. Apply the solution to the stain with a soft toothbrush and wash it out. Remove the foam with a wet cloth and let the shoes dry completely in a cool place. Then brush them with a suede brush.

Treat oil stains with cornstarch

Treat oil stains on the footbed with cornstarch

Sometimes oil stains find their way onto your sandals too. In this case, you should cover them with cornstarch as soon as possible, which will soak up the oil. Leave it on for at least 4 hours before brushing it off. Repeat the process until the stains are gone.

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Cleaning the classic sandals with baking soda

Clean the Birkenstock footbed with baking soda

Since Birkenstocks are made of various natural materials such as suede, genuine leather and cork, they cannot be machine washed or soaked in water. However, with a simple home remedy, it’s possible to get your favorite sandals looking new again and properly cared for.

First, remove excess dirt with a damp cloth by wiping the footbed in circular motions. Try not to use too much water.

After your Birkenstocks are slightly damp, mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of water in a small cup until it forms a sticky paste.

Apply the paste to the footbed of your sandals with an old toothbrush and brush in a circular motion. Dampen the cloth again and wipe off the paste. For stubborn stains, leaving a small amount of the paste on overnight can help.

Once the baking soda paste is removed, set your sandals in a dry, dark place to let them dry completely. Avoid direct sunlight as this can cause cracks in the shoes. Once they are completely dry you can wear them again.

If your Birkenstocks give off an unpleasant odor, sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on the footbed and leave overnight. Wipe off the excess baking soda with a soft cloth.

Clean the Birkenstock footbed: With white vinegar

Clean Birkenstocks with white vinegar

If you wear your Birkenstocks for a long time, your foot will leave marks on the footbed from the oils and dirt that are almost impossible to remove.

In a bowl, mix 500ml of warm water, 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of laundry detergent. Dip an old soft-bristled toothbrush in the solution and scrub the footbeds of your sandals. When they are clean again, wipe them with a damp cloth to remove any soap residue. Allow the shoes to air dry by keeping them out of direct sunlight.

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Remove gum and resin from footbed

If something sticky lands on the footbed of your sandals, you can use the following method to get rid of it. Put an ice cube in a plastic bag and place it directly on the sticky spot. Allow to set and carefully remove from the footbed with a dull knife. Repeat treatment as needed. When the solid pieces are gone, use a regular eraser to erase the stain marks.

How often to clean Birkenstocks?

The footbed of your sandals should be cleaned every few weeks depending on how often you wear them. The other parts of the shoe should also be cleaned regularly, at least twice a month.

If you find that the cork looks dry over time, treat it with a cork sealer, which is commercially available. Depending on how often you wear your trendy sandals, you should do this every 2 to 4 months.

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