Home » “Close to the pain of the family, especially the mother”. «Themed shirts and banners» admitted to the Angelus

“Close to the pain of the family, especially the mother”. «Themed shirts and banners» admitted to the Angelus

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“Close to the pain of the family, especially the mother”.  «Themed shirts and banners» admitted to the Angelus

«These days mark the 40th anniversary of Emanuela’s disappearance
Orlandi: I wish to take advantage of this circumstance to once again express my closeness to the family, especially to the mother, and to assure my prayers”. Pope Francis said this after the Sunday Angelus in St. Peter’s Square. Among which there were also the participants in the sit-in for ri 40 years by the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi: and the Vatican had authorized the participants, “if they want to attend the Holy Father’s Angelus”, to enter the square “with themed shirts and banners”. This was stated in an internal and confidential note dated June 22nd by the Security and Civil Protection Services of the Governorate of Vatican City State, the Gendarmerie Corps. The demonstration will begin this morning in Largo Giovanni XXIII, near Castel Sant’Angelo, and then continue at 12 towards San Pietro.

Pietro’s request: «Bring a photo of Emanuela»

It was Pietro himself, Emanuela’s brother and organizer of the event, who asked all the participants to bring an image of Emanuela, also having it written on the event poster: «It is a way to be recognizable and to make people perceive in the square our presence”. And he adds: «Like every year, let’s hope it will be the last without the truth and I never imagined I’d get to the 40th anniversary without knowing anything about my sister’s fate yet. But this year is different: there seems to be a
new interest from those who should do justice with the investigations of
prosecutor and the Vatican and to this is added the Commission of Inquiry
parliamentarian which I hope will be launched”.

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«Many wanted to participate, from all over Italy»

The initiative, Orlandi himself underlined, is organized on Sundays «to facilitate the many people who want to participate, but do not live in Rome. People from all over Italy have written to us, one person even told us that he will come from Germany and a priest from Romania».

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