Home » Colorful Easter eggs: This is how long they last, according to consumer protection

Colorful Easter eggs: This is how long they last, according to consumer protection

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Colorful Easter eggs: This is how long they last, according to consumer protection

Easter is slowly getting closer and closer. The first federal states are already starting their Easter holidays this weekend. So it’s high time to get out the Easter decorations or make them yourself. Coloring Easter eggs is a classic that even the little ones can master. But how long do the painted eggs last? The consumer advice center also clarifies:

The shell must remain intact

To prevent the egg shell from bursting when cooking, it is pierced. The idea behind it is clear: the air that expands in the bubble at the thick end of the egg as it heats up should be able to escape.

The NRW Consumer Center recommends that you skip the procedure that applies when you immediately consume a normal breakfast egg for eggs that you want to color after cooking. Because of the small hole in the egg, its shell is no longer intact and this reduces its shelf life because pathogens can penetrate and multiply.

But what if the shell tears without a prick while cooking? Then the egg no longer becomes an Easter egg and you have to use it straight away.

According to consumer advice centers, durability depends on it

To protect the shell, you should avoid quenching Easter eggs with cold water, consumer advocates advise. The sudden difference in temperature can cause small cracks to form in the eggshell and allow microorganisms to enter. This also shortens the shelf life of the hard-boiled eggs.

The consumer advice center gives the following values ​​as a guideline: An unquenched egg with an intact shell can be kept refrigerated for around four weeks. For quenched eggs, the storage period is halved. They should be consumed within fourteen days.

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If there are visible cracks in the eggshell, according to the consumer advice center: Store in a cool place and use quickly.

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