Home » Covid, end of isolation without buffer after 5 days (for asymptomatic): this is what the new circular provides

Covid, end of isolation without buffer after 5 days (for asymptomatic): this is what the new circular provides

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Covid, end of isolation without buffer after 5 days (for asymptomatic): this is what the new circular provides

Of Margaret DeBac

The final testing requirement remains for frail, healthcare workers and travelers from China. The Ffp2 mask must be worn for 10 days, 5 in case of close contact

Five days of isolation and then, in the absence of symptoms, you can go out again even without a negative swab, with the recommendation to wear the FFP2 mask.

The circular sent today to the Regions by the Ministry of Health, signed by the director of prevention John Rezza, puts the provisions of the law of 30 December 2022 on paper sense of responsibility and onself-monitoring.

On 31 August last, the circular from former minister Speranza had reduced the days of the so-called “quarantine” from 7 to 5 (but the correct term is isolation), with the obligation of a final test. Now however, for the people who have always been asymptomatic and for those who have had no symptoms for at least 2 daysthe end of isolation can end 5 days after the first positive test or the appearance of symptoms “regardless of whether the antigen or molecular test is performed”.

For cases that have always been asymptomatic, the end ofisolation may end even before 5 daysbut in this circumstance you will need a negative test carried out at a health facility or pharmacy (therefore not a home-made swab).

The test remains for the frail, health workers and travelers from China

Different rules for individuals immunocompromised, particularly fragile. For them, the closing days at home remain 5 as long as the test antigenic or molecular are negative. Greater caution also for the healthcare professionals: they can come back into circulation, if asymptomatic for at least 2 days, but only in the presence of an antigen or molecular test that certifies the negativity. The exit test also remains obligatory for positive travelers returned from China in the previous seven days.

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The masks

However, once isolation is over, everyone will have to use FFP2 masks until the tenth day from the onset of symptoms or the first positive test. They are recommended to avoid meeting high-risk people (elderly, chronically ill). These precautions, the circular clarifies, can end when it comes confirmed negativityalways with the two tests available.

After close contact, self-monitoring is triggered

Finally, the behaviors they will have to maintain close contacts of positive subjects. It is prescribedself-surveillance in this phase they will have to wear compulsorily FFP2 masks indoors or in the presence of gatherings until the fifth following day on the date of the last close contact. If symptoms occur, it will be good to undergo a swab. garlic healthcare workers a is requested daily test up to the fifth day from the last contact.

The exceptions for the end of the know

government measures

The circular puts into practice what was announced by Minister Orazio Schillaci. We proceed towards a phase of release of the containment measurestaking into account the descent of the epidemic curve, also found in the bulletin of the last week of 2022.

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January 01, 2023 (change January 01, 2023 | 19:05)

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