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Cystitis, foods to avoid absolutely

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Cystitis, foods to avoid absolutely

Annoying and painful, it is an often common problem especially in women: what are the foods to avoid in case of cystitis?

Anyone who has had the misfortune to experience it knows how painful and annoying it can be. Cystitis is a disorder that affects the bladder and that it can be caused by bacteria or even by fungi and sometimes even by “external agents”. Symptoms can have different intensity and sometimes diagnosing it is not as simple as you think. A doctor will probably recommend a urine test and, if necessary, even more in-depth tests to then provide adequate treatment for our case. As always though, we can help ourselves with healthy eating and, above all, avoiding certain foods in particular.

Sure, you can’t expect to heal simply by eating certain foods, but, for sure, we can avoid exacerbating the annoyance and making the situation worse. Naturally, the importance of hydration is associated with nutrition: drinking the right amount of water during the day is always essential, but above all if we are dealing with this disorder.

Foods that are best avoided when you have cystitis

In simple terms, if we have inflammation what we must avoid is to “intensify” it, nourish it and, of course, incite it. Consequently, it becomes clear why some foods are not recommended when we have cystitis: we risk further “irritating” the bladder. But which ones are they exactly?

Cystitis and nutrition: what to eat and what to avoid (tantasalute.it)

First of all, better delete or anyway reduce the consumption of simple sugars. The reason? The microbes that cause our infection could feed on it and thus proliferate. Therefore, pay attention not only to foods, but also to drinks that contain them.

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In order not to further irritate the bladder, already busy fighting the disorder, we also reduce saturated acids. These, in fact, can make the situation worse and further inflame the area. The same goes for certain types of cooking, such as frying and the like. Better to prefer steamed or grilled ones. Finally, it would be advisable to let go, for a few days, spirits and drinks such as coffee, but also hot spices, like pepper. The same goes for very elaborate and processed sauces, such as ketchup, mayonnaise and various.

Space instead for the fiberswhich are a panacea for digestion and the intestines and will help us regulate the transit of food. Blue fish and vegetables are also recommended, for the same reason and for the nutrients they bring to the body.

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