Home » Dengue alarm in Busto Arsizio, a suspected case: disinfestation begins. Where and when – THE DAY

Dengue alarm in Busto Arsizio, a suspected case: disinfestation begins. Where and when – THE DAY

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Dengue alarm in Busto Arsizio, a suspected case: disinfestation begins.  Where and when – THE DAY

A suspected case of Dengue fever has put the town of Busto Arsizio on high alert as authorities have begun a massive disinfestation effort to prevent the spread of the potentially deadly disease.

According to reports from local news outlets, including IL GIORNO and TGR Lombardia, white-clad workers armed with guns have been deployed to spray insecticide in an effort to kill off infected mosquitoes. The disinfestation effort is a response to a suspected case of Dengue in the area, which has raised concerns among residents and health officials.

Varesenews.it reported that the Municipality of Busto Arsizio has taken immediate action to address the situation, calling for a maxi disinfestation to be carried out. The ANSA Agency also reported on the suspected case and the urgent disinfestation efforts being undertaken to protect the community.

Dengue fever is a viral infection spread by mosquitoes, and can lead to severe flu-like symptoms and, in some cases, fatal complications. Authorities are urging residents to take precautions to prevent mosquito bites, such as using insect repellent and wearing long sleeves and pants.

With the disinfestation efforts now underway, residents of Busto Arsizio are hopeful that the spread of Dengue fever can be contained and that the suspected case will be an isolated incident. Health officials are monitoring the situation closely and are urging residents to report any symptoms of the disease.

As the town grapples with this health emergency, the community is coming together to support one another and work towards a Dengue-free future.

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