Home » Dengue Outbreak Stresses Dominican Health System: Hospitals Operating at Full Capacity

Dengue Outbreak Stresses Dominican Health System: Hospitals Operating at Full Capacity

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Dengue Outbreak Stresses Dominican Health System: Hospitals Operating at Full Capacity

Dengue Crisis Overwhelms Dominican Health System

The Dominican Republic’s health system is struggling to cope with the ongoing dengue outbreak, as hospitals and medical centers across the country are operating at full capacity. Private hospitals and medical centers have reported that all beds designated for dengue patients are currently occupied.

At the Robert Reid Cabral Children’s Hospital, the emergency department is overflowing with patients, leading to scenes of overcrowding with people spilling out into the corridors. Concerned mothers and relatives expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of medical service, describing it as “terrible.”

One mother, Stephany Palin from Villa Juana, arrived with her 13-year-old daughter at 1:00 p.m., but by 6:00 p.m., her daughter still hadn’t received any treatment. She reported that only two doctors were available to see patients, resulting in a lengthy wait time. Despite being assigned number 54, her daughter’s condition remained untreated.

Brenda Corporán Félix, a mother with a five-month-old baby, is requesting a referral to another health center as her daughter’s condition hasn’t improved at Angelita Children’s Hospital. The baby was confirmed to have dengue, and Corporán is concerned about the lack of progress in her recovery. She fears for her baby’s health and desires a change in healthcare providers to ensure the best care.

The Hugo Mendoza Pediatric Hospital recorded 79 suspected dengue cases in the past 24 hours. This surge in patients has resulted in overcrowded conditions and the need to set up an additional 54 beds at the Mario Tolentino Dipp Hospital.

Even healthcare professionals are experiencing difficulties accessing care for their loved ones. One doctor, who himself has a long-standing medical career, shared his frustration after having to wait five hours to admit his seriously ill daughter to a clinic. Despite their professional connections, the pediatric emergency department and beds were already full, exacerbating the already challenging situation.

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Healthcare workers have voiced concerns about the accuracy of the official figures provided by authorities, suggesting that the number of cases may be higher than reported.

In light of these developments, it is evident that the dengue crisis in the Dominican Republic remains a pressing public health concern. The overcrowding and strained medical resources in hospitals and medical centers indicate the urgent need for increased support and resources to combat this ongoing outbreak.

[Insert any relevant additional information or updates on the dengue situation in the Dominican Republic, if available.]

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