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Dengue, zyka and other diseases carried by mosquitoes: a conference in Borghetto

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Dengue, zyka and other diseases carried by mosquitoes: a conference in Borghetto

The 52nd edition of the Multi-sectoral Fair of Borghetto concluded with a groundbreaking conference on Saturday morning at Palazzo Rho. The conference, titled “Mosquitoes: an annoying neighbor and sometimes even dangerous,” was dedicated to discussing diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and strategies for prevention, control, and containment.

Organized by the University of Milan and the Veterinary Department of the ATS Milan and Lodi, the event aimed to educate the community on the importance of understanding mosquitoes to avoid misinformation and superficiality. Professor Luigi Bonizzi and veterinarian Enrico Rossi led the discussion, highlighting the impact of mosquitoes on both human and animal health.

As summer approaches and mosquito populations rise, it is crucial for individuals to be informed about the risks associated with mosquito-borne diseases. By learning how to effectively prevent and control mosquito populations, communities can better protect themselves and their livestock from potential health threats.

The conference served as a valuable opportunity for both experts and the public to come together and discuss strategies for combatting mosquito-borne diseases. By promoting awareness and education, events like these play a vital role in safeguarding public health and ensuring the well-being of communities.

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