Home » “Do not resign yourself to poor work with low wages”: Mattarella’s call. “Precariousness as a system clashes with growth”

“Do not resign yourself to poor work with low wages”: Mattarella’s call. “Precariousness as a system clashes with growth”

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The work “is index of dignity“. And in front of the Work poor“whose remuneration does not allow to lead a existence decentinstead, it is necessary to forcefully affirm the character of work as the first, elementary, constructive way of redistribution of the income product“. The president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella he speaks from Reggio Emilia on the occasion of Labor Day which the head of state is not celebrating at the Quirinale this year. And the speech of him is a call to politics on employment, because “the precariousness as a system clashes with the purposes of growth e you development“. So Mattarella addresses the government, the Parliament and all the institutions: “Broadening the base of Workand his qualityit must be nagging constant at every level”. In fact, the President of the Republic recalls the role of work also in combating the discrimination between man and donnathose territorial and those against immigrants. Just as he recalls the need to intervene to combat workplace accidents that “destroy lives”.

“We celebrate the day’s worth of 1° maggio well in advance, in the heart of the district of Mechatronicsin Reggio Emilia. After last year, in Udine, this time we anticipate the celebration of Labor Day in a workplace that looks to innovation. A reality that reaffirms the constitutional value of the work and underlines, at the same time, how it confirms the engine of growth and the social cohesion of the Republic”, begins Mattarella. Which several times in his speech underlines precisely the need to fight the bassi salaries: “If the figures are worrying and notes, and denounce in Italy a high rate of inactivity compared to European parameters, a adequate answer can only come from a concrete commitment of collective mobilization who knows how to enhance the great heritage of skills present in our country”. “Work is a sign of dignity because it is closely linked to each person’s life plan,” explains Mattarella.

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The Pnrr “unique opportunity” – The President of the Republic underlines “thebitterness in those who find that the milk occupation, especially for young people and women, is yet to come. As well as in the South. Persist fragmentation and precariousnessunsafe working conditions, divar wages, cost of living on the rise, also as a function of the international tensions in progress. Wage stagnation and job security, despite the steps taken, are topics in perennial discussion“. Also for this reason, the Pnrr offers a “unparalleled opportunity” to “reduce and fill delays structural, support growth strategies and foster more widespread opportunities through innovation. Opportunities that challenge the system of businesses to ground the various initiatives”. Mattarella recalls “other significant moments of the debate for transform the Italian economy and point to milk occupation. From the work plan proposed by the CGIL of By Vittorio In the 1949 to the proposal for a scheme for the development of employment and income in Italy in 1955desired by the Minister of the Budget, Ezio Vanoni, whose 120th anniversary occurs this year”. “An effort – continues the Head of State – which started from the conviction of how the world of work was there locomotive of a country that wants to advance. From the awareness that work constitutes index of dignity“.

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The fight against inequality – “The unity of the country means substantial unit on the level of job opportunities. It means commitment to remove the inequalities territorial. Overseeing and promoting national unity also means this,” Mattarella said speaking in Reggio Emilia. There is a “close relationship between work, social cohesion and solidity of the institutions and, therefore, of the democracy. Work, therefore, for an exercise full of citizenship rights. I work as antidoteas an effective tool to fight profitably discrimination e illegality diffuse. The work is a parameter that allows us to measure the effectiveness parity levelin terms of employment and wages, between women and men“. Mattarella quotes art. 37 ours Constitution: “Working women have the same rights and, for equal work, the same wages as workers. The working conditions must allow the fulfillment of its essential family function and ensure the mother and the child a special adequate protection”. Then the President of the Republic underlines that “a recent report highlighted how the child labor exploited is still a present plague. Exploitation against minors constitutes a serious theft future, taking these kids away from school and pushing them towards marginality. It is a theme that also affects the condition of many workers immigrants“.

Deaths at work – “Another aspect to put in the foreground is that of the accidents at workwho destroy lives, throw families into despair, provoke danni irreversible, with unacceptable human costs”, Mattarella then reiterated. “We know well that the battles of trade union movement of workers have contributed significantly to achieving milestones of social progress obvious and that Italy, in its transformation, has taken gigantic steps of growth e you progress. But the contradictions often tend to reproduce themselves, as in every human event”, is the warning of the Head of State.

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