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Do you feel weak? These foods boost your metabolism

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Do you feel weak?  These foods boost your metabolism

Some foods and activities will help boost your metabolism. Which? You can find out here.

Drink plenty of water

You probably can’t hear it anymore, but it’s true: Drink lots of water. If you replace other drinks with water, you save 100 percent calories because it is calorie-free.

Studies have also shown that 0.5 liters of water accelerates the resting metabolism by ten to 30 percent per hour. Cold water has to be warmed up by the body and burns energy in the process. Drinked half an hour before eating, it ensures that we eat less food.

Drink warm or cold water?

Drinking water warm also helps boost your metabolism. Especially if you drink it in the morning on an empty stomach and add ginger and lemon, the body gets going.

A fruit smoothie is ideal for breakfast or before exercise. Berries in particular boost the metabolism and also provide us with vitamins, antioxidants as well as fiber and minerals. They are best mixed with plant milk made from soy, coconut or almonds.

Hot spices like turmeric and chili

We need protein to build muscle and keep body processes running. This can come from beans, eggs or lean organic meat.

The protein-containing products are best served with hot spices. Because turmeric, chili and co. heat up the metabolism.

Pineapple – best consumed pure and in the morning

The great thing about a pineapple is that when you eat it, you burn more calories than you consume. Important: It is best to consume it pure and in the morning so that the effect is achieved and the metabolism runs at full speed.

Almonds help you lose weight

Anyone who previously thought that almonds were far too fatty to be nibbled on a regular basis can rejoice: even the stars’ diet coach, David Kirsch, recommends ten pieces in the afternoon. They even help you lose weight and provide healthy plant energy, valuable fats and vitamins.

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Coffee – but without sugar

Coffee hits our metabolism hard – as long as it is drunk black. Because sugar or milk destroy the stimulating effect. Don’t like coffee?

Then drink green tea. It also wakes you up and stops cravings for sweets. However, the following delicacy is suitable as a cold drink to stimulate your metabolism…

Coconut water

Coconut water is an all-rounder: the healthy ingredients help you lose weight, boost your metabolism and prevent the body from becoming too acidic. This is especially important after sport.

Coconut oil instead of butter

Instead of using butter, use coconut oil as a cooking fat. The mineral bomb not only accelerates metabolism, but also makes you beautiful inside and out, for example as a cellulite-reducing body lotion or a shine-giving hair treatment.

Diets often advise eating many small meals per day. Five to twelve are recommended, among other things on the grounds that this allows the metabolism to work best. However, studies have shown that it depends on the total calorie intake, the ingredients of the food and the individual basal metabolic rate. Two or three meals are possible, as are temporary periods of fasting.

More tips that are good for your metabolism

You don’t have to become a bodybuilder, but the more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism will be.

Everyday movement

Without exercise it is very difficult to speed up your metabolism. You don’t have to run a marathon or go to the gym, but a brisk 30-minute walk every day or bodyweight training will help you get going. You also sleep better after a workout – and the physical recovery phase is just as important.

Make sure you get enough sleep

Studies have shown that people who don’t sleep enough over a longer period of time gain weight more quickly, slow down their metabolism and eat less healthily. Apart from the fact that you are more sluggish and less able to get up to exercise.

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To get a healthy night’s sleep, you should ensure there is enough darkness, have a comfortable mattress, banish electronic devices and snoring partners, and avoid consuming caffeine or other stimulants as early as possible. Then it’s better to drink a soothing tea for sleep, have sex and fall asleep peacefully.

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