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Dr. Di Bella: November 19th webinar on MDB, cancer prevention and treatment

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Dr. Di Bella: November 19th webinar on MDB, cancer prevention and treatment

We receive and publish from Dr. Giuseppe Di Bella.

Webinar of November 19th

This course stems from the deep and heartfelt need to spare so many serious sufferings, and / or relieve them from ordeal of the tragic drama of cancer, absolutely unimaginable for those who have not experienced it or have not witnessed it. It arises from the moral duty, from the ethical and scientific need to transmit, disseminate and enhance a unique heritage of medical knowledge and scientific acquisitions, the result of my father’s entire life, passionately dedicated to research, study and therapeutic progress.

Cura Di Bella: be friends with the truth

Quoting St. Augustine: “No one can truly be a friend of man if he is not first of all a friend of the truth”.

It is very difficult for a doctor, a researcher, a scientist to have made his own, understood, applied, lived this maxim of a Father of the Church, St. Augustine, like the Prof. Luigi Di Bella. An eminent physician and researcher, the Prof. Sergio Stagnarointernationally known scientist, authoritative member of the New York Academy of Sciences, defined Prof. Di Bella: “The last great clinician, a giant in a world of dwarves”.

For over fifty years I have followed my father’s research, the evolution of his scientific thought, his clinical-diagnostic experience, the therapeutic effects, the harassment, the contrasts, the humiliations that have characterized his long career as a university lecturer, a doctor and a scientist. The total inability to ingratiate himself with the powerful and procure excellent protectors, to enter the mafias of power, his instinctive repulsion to servility, compromise, flattery, dishonesty, together with a shy character and the unforgivable habit of using the word to express their thoughts and not to hide it, they penalized his career.

As well as the meanness and the envy for the clinical and scientific results achieved. Above all I tried to grasp the authentic meaning, the deep meaning, the unexpected possibilities, opened by the continuous evolution of his experimental research, of the therapeutic experience, of the criteria and strategies of use, of his medical mentality, aimed at transferring into clinical practice a unique amount of theoretical, experimental and experience knowledge. I learned how the diagnosispoint of arrival, goal and compendium of the doctor’s skills, comes from a rare balance which is an exact evaluation of every semiological and anamnestic, clinical and instrumental data, from an intuition refined by experience, supported by skills, strengthened by knowledge, enlivened by common sense.

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The synergy Retinoids, Melatonin, Somatostatin, Vitamins E, D, C

In these fifty years I have found that insights that could be defined as historical for scientific progress and medical sciences, such as synergistic therapeutic possibilities and the rationale for using Retinoids, Melatonin, Somatostatin, Vitamins E, D, C, they have been received with skeptical indifference by the scientific world and promptly confirmed on average after decades by the scientific literature, even if not yet valued in therapy for obvious and unmentionable reasons.

Its new concept biological therapeutic MDB for the prevention and treatment of tumors, having to intervene on the complex and multiple biological metabolic functions, on the various vital reactions diverted by cancer, can only be multifactorial and multitherapy and be based on scientific evidence, on rationality, on factual data, on clinical experience, on the careful in-depth and non-preconceived study of experimental data and clinical studies, evident and documented, not on fake trials and bankruptcy paradigms imposed by an authoritarian medicine and corrupt.

This biological multi-therapy, based on the science-ethics backbone, anticipated by Prof. Di Bellais slowly but surely starting to spread confirming that “There is no valid argument against the fact”. The nonsense of the masters of the false, of the professionals of disinformation, of the artists of deception, of their accomplices and colluders, for decades have been uselessly raging against the mathematical logic and the ethical scientific bases, the clinical findings of the Di Bella Method. The powerlessness of these regime hucksters to subvert the truth increases their anger, hatred, hatred, typical of the perfidious global power they serve.

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The continuous clinical findings of the Di Bella Method

Therefore, at the age of 82, before concluding my career, I felt it was my duty to pass on to my colleagues the therapeutic concept, the scientific bases, the biomolecular mechanisms that have allowed documented progress compared to conventional oncological protocols. In terms of objective responses, survival medians, quality of life. P.I can easily prove that I have no financial interest, ideological or political. And at 82 years of age, he has no career ambition or leadership.

I have no scientific merit, the whole MDB is solely my father’s workI just try to spread it, make it known and apply, in the firm and well-founded conviction, gained over the course of 50 years, that can save lives and / or in any case prolong them significantly with a more acceptable quality of life. The Bella Method it has been censored and vilified with the same techniques of disinformation, mystification and falsification that they used to impose non-validated experimental therapies and block effective, rational and documented treatments.

The latest publications, which I am attaching, document lin complete and stable remission of glioblastomas and anaplastic astrocytomas of 3 ° for over seven years and that of a similar duration, and in two cases of over 10 years, of 15 osteosarcomi metastatici. I also report the publication on liposomal somatostatin for oral administration.

In the webinar on November 19, which I hope others will follow, I will leave ample space for my colleagues for discussion and debate. From November 3, I will insert the registration procedures (free) and the program on the site, we will probably have type F credits.

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I will publish everything in full in the next updated re-edition of the book (I hope also in English) on cancer prevention in which I will insert tertiary prevention with staging, haematochemical and instrumental diagnostics, survival medians with MDB in relation to conventional oncology in 26 different variety of tumors.

The anti-infective properties of the MDB

I will also insert a chapter on the anti-infectious, immunomodulating and antioxidant properties of the biological anticancer molecules of Bella’s Method. If they object to me that the 1998 ministerial experimentation decreed the ineffectiveness of the MDB, I can document the total lack of scientific dignity and therefore the complete absence of clinical indications of the ministerial experimentation of the Di Bella Method of 1998, with a clearly pre-packaged outcome. Documentation at this link.

The attached publications and the other 45 on the MDB in biomedical databases, radically contradict and deny the results of the 1998 ministerial trial and represent its tombstone. They are all available at this link. With colleagues and collaborators of the Di Bella Foundation we are looking for an institutional comparison to allow preparatory pharmacists to produce the galenic somatostatin liposomal for oral administration, currently blocked by the regime bureaucracy.

Being the Somatostatinbiological and registered molecule, such as LECITHIN, (whose phospholipids envelop Somatostatin, but do not interact with it, do not form a new molecule that would require experimentation). An experiment has no reason to exist, nor the prohibition of its galenic preparation. Its availability would vertically reduce costs and would facilitate, considerably simplify administration, as well as increase its effectiveness.

Giuseppe Di Bella

Recent publications of the Di Bella Foundation:
the publication on osteosarcomas;
Publication on osteosarcomas on Research Gate with full text.
Brain Tumor Publication.
And on brain tumors in full on Research Gate.
Liposomal SST publication.

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