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Eating honey before sleep is what happens if we do

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Eating honey before sleep is what happens if we do

Honey, considered by many to be the golden nectar par excellence, is rich in active ingredients and is also tasty on the palate, it has many benefits for our body. It helps fight stress and also helps us sleep better. In this article we will discover together the reasons for this benefit.

As we said, honey is rich in many beneficial properties for our body. It is first of all considered an antibacterial par excellence but also an excellent natural anti-inflammatory which also plays the role of emollient and decongestant. It is perfect in fighting fungi and bacteria but also stress and pharyngitis.

Taking honey before going to sleep, even if they are not known by everyone, has very positive effects on our sleep. It can turn into a good habit since it is an important food that has many beneficial properties. First of all, honey promotes bodily relaxation that walks with sleep. We recommend taking a spoonful of honey before going to bed. But we tell you more: this habit could also make us lose some excess pounds. Some scientific studies have shown that taking small doses of honey reduces the desire to take other sugars, thus promoting the elimination of extra fat.

If you suffer from insomnia, then this article is for you. Before sleep it helps the release of insulin and thus produces serotonin. Your sleep will eventually be restful and relaxing. In the end it’s just a small and simple help even if you suffer from insomnia. It helps us calm our anxiety naturally and makes us relax more at night. This natural remedy is also very useful for the little ones.

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In conclusion, here is another tip for how to best eat our honey in the evening. Put it in a nice herbal tea or even in a nice cup of freshly made hot milk. In this way, in addition to relaxing, it is also a good sweetener that replaces refined sugar.

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