Home » Eleonora, who died at the age of 17 of leukemia / Parents refused chemo: condemned

Eleonora, who died at the age of 17 of leukemia / Parents refused chemo: condemned

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Eleonora, who died at the age of 17 of leukemia / Parents refused chemo: condemned

The Court of Cassation confirmed the 2-year sentence for manslaughter of the parents of Eleonora Bottaro, who died at the age of 17 leukemia acute lymphoblastic. A rather sad and particular story, with her parents who, aware of their daughter’s illness, decided not to let her start the cycles of chemotherapy, rather relying on a traditional (and obviously not recognized by the Order of Doctors) form of medicine.

In short, according to the Cassation, the parents of Eleonora, who died of leukemia at the age of 17, could have avoided considerable pain for the young victim if they had decided to have her undergo cycles of chemotherapy. According to some doctors who were heard by the court to decide on the case, the chances of recovery would have been at least around80%. In addition to this sentence on Eleonora’s parents, who died of leukemia at the age of 17, there were also two other sentences inflicted by the first two levels of Italian justice. According to all three judges who have expressed themselves, it would have been the parents a influence his daughter’s thinkingleading her down a risky road and without any real medical application.

The story of Eleonora, who died of leukemia at the age of 17

The story of Eleonora, who died at the age of 17 from a leukemia acute lymphoblastic disease, has its origins at 2015, when returning from school the young girl suddenly felt ill. From the general practitioner, who ascertained that the girl had been ill for several days with fever and bone painmanaged to ascertain about a month later thanks to some investigations that the girl had been affected by leukemia, immediately hospitalizing her in the Oncohematology department in Padua.

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For Eleonora everything could have ended in the best way, but if we talk about a sentence and her death at 17 for leukemia, something went deeply wrong. In fact, her parents pushed her to refuse chemotherapy, opting for the notorious one Hammer method. Developed by the homonymous German doctor, now disbarred, it provided only injections of cortisone, vitamin C and acupuncture. The Court, alerted by the doctors, withdrew the parental authority, ordering it to be submitted to the chemo. Again, if Eleonora died at 17 from that same leukemia, something went wrong. When they went to Switzerland, they again refused chemo for the young woman, and upon their return to Italy in just over a month, the girl passed away, without even the help of the pain therapy.

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