Home » Eliminate pain with osteopathy | Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

Eliminate pain with osteopathy | Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

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Eliminate pain with osteopathy |  Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

A common reason is changes in the spine.

This is obvious when it comes to back pain. This is not so easy to understand when it comes to stomach problems. The spine is connected to many organs via ligaments and tendons. The nerves that supply many organs run along the spine. Changes in the spine create constant pressure on the nerves or tension on the surrounding ligaments and tendons. This can affect the functioning of the organs.

Dorntherapy goes back to its namesake, Dieter Dorn. Due to his own back problem, he developed this method and refined it over time.

Both the Dorn therapists and the osteopaths feel the spine and the joints and thus detect the changes. Then treat them with gentle impulses.

During Dorn therapy, the patient is active because he supports the therapist’s work through slight movements of his body. If the problem is acute, i.e. a problem that has arisen at short notice, one session is sometimes enough. For chronic complaints it takes a little longer. Sometimes the patient is also given short exercises as homework.

Osteopaths also use these options, but their path is slightly different. Osteopaths use their hands not only for therapy, but also for diagnosis.

There are situations where an organ changes, for example the vertebral columns due to inflammation or surgery. The cause of recurring pain in the shoulder can be a change in the liver. The liver causes a chain reaction to change the spine and impair the function of the shoulder.

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An ostoepath can feel many changes in the abdominal cavity with his hands. Either he can narrow it down precisely through patient surveys or he uses the help of conventional medicine. A blood test, for example, can be helpful. Depending on the problem, the osteopath can influence the organ by massaging it. Sometimes that’s enough.

In the case of serious illnesses, a doctor is consulted. In this way, pain and illnesses that have accompanied a patient for months can disappear again.

There are also causes that cannot be eliminated.

Scarring of the tissue caused by accidents or operations in the abdominal cavity, which have a constant influence on the spine, can no longer be influenced or can only be minimally influenced. In these cases, both therapies can help reduce medication consumption and the associated side effects.

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