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Endometriosis, a pathology that must emerge from invisibility – CittAgorà – City of Turin

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Endometriosis, a pathology that must emerge from invisibility – CittAgorà – City of Turin

Endometriosis, a pathology that must emerge from invisibility

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness around the issue of endometriosis, a common but often misunderstood condition that affects millions of women worldwide. This chronic condition occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of it, causing symptoms like severe pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and infertility.

Despite affecting an estimated 1 in 10 women of reproductive age, endometriosis is often overlooked or dismissed by healthcare providers. Many women suffer in silence for years before receiving a proper diagnosis and treatment. This lack of awareness and understanding of the condition has led to it being referred to as a “invisible disease”.

To shed light on endometriosis and raise awareness about the challenges faced by those who suffer from it, various initiatives have been organized around the world. In Turin, the facade of Palazzo Madama was illuminated to mark the occasion of World Endometriosis Day, drawing attention to this often misunderstood condition.

The Italian financial daily Il Sole 24 ORE also covered the issue, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis in adolescents. Endometriosis can often go undiagnosed in young girls, leading to years of unnecessary suffering and complications. By raising awareness and educating both healthcare providers and the public, we can help ensure that young women receive the support and treatment they need.

As we mark World Endometriosis Day, let us commit to breaking the silence and stigma surrounding this condition. By working together to increase awareness, improve diagnosis, and provide support for those affected by endometriosis, we can help ensure that no woman has to suffer in silence.

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