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Enough bad breath and foolish thanks to these simple natural remedies

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Enough bad breath and foolish thanks to these simple natural remedies

A very common problem that can cause embarrassment is bad breath.

Often even if we brush our teeth thoroughly it persists and is difficult to counter. Today we want to talk about this annoying problem, proposing some effective and super natural solutions. In fact, we will say enough to bad breath and foolish if we chew these ingredients we have at home.

The causes of an embarrassing problem

Before discovering the remedy, however, let’s know the causes.

Bad breath is a problem that can be related to dental or digestive hygiene. If we don’t treat our teeth and have piles of plaque and untreated cavities, we may have strong, unpleasant breath. In this case the only alternative is to resort to dental care and improve daily hygiene. To avoid these problems it is essential to use dental floss daily together with a good mouthwash.

In case the problem is not related to these factors it could be caused by poor digestion. The consumption of heavy and difficult to digest foods could alter digestive balances and cause bad smells in the mouth. In some cases, bad breath could also be a symptom of food intolerances.

If we find ourselves with a bitter and persistent breath in the mouth there is no need to despair: we can adopt these simple emergency solutions that will give us a fragrant and pleasant breath.

Enough bad breath and foolish thanks to these simple natural remedies

To counteract bad odors in the oral cavity we can chew licorice roots. This wild root is rich in balsamic substances, which in addition to promoting digestion, perfumes the mouth. We can eat licorice tablets, or rather, chew the raw sticks. In addition to being an effective stress reliever, we will do good for our mouth and breath.

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Another method widely used in the Middle East is to chew fennel seeds. All we have to do is take a handful of these aromatic seeds and chew them until they give off the characteristic scent. If we do it after meals, we will also get an effective digestive effect.

If, however, we do not love candies, we can opt for an infusion based on aromatic herbs, to drink when the breath is not the best. We can infuse fresh basil, bay leaf and mint leaves for ten minutes. This herbal tea will have an immediate effect on the heaviest and most unpleasant breaths. We will no longer have to fear foolishness and embarrassment but we will be able to speak with our heads held high without fear.


Bad breath could be a symptom of this health problem

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