Home » Everyone is crazy about the new trend: drinking a teaspoon of oil a day, this is what happens to the body

Everyone is crazy about the new trend: drinking a teaspoon of oil a day, this is what happens to the body

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Everyone is crazy about the new trend: drinking a teaspoon of oil a day, this is what happens to the body

The Daily Benefits of Drinking a Teaspoon of Oil a Day

It seems to have become a trend to drink a teaspoon of oil a day: this practice represents a real elixir for health.

Drink a teaspoon on an empty stomach and your body will thank you. Oil, to date, seems to be represented as an elixir of life, very rich in antioxidants and vitamins, but no one would have ever imagined that this would become a real health ally. Yet, from a medical point of view this appears to be the case. A spoonful of oil a day keeps the doctor away: the new trend to preserve youth and health.

Digging into the details, the success of extra virgin olive oil can be attributed to its deep roots in the Mediterranean Diet, a dietary model known for its multiple health benefits. The correct diet is based on a variety of fresh foods, with a particular emphasis on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and, of course, extra virgin olive oil. The latter has gained reputation for its ability to reduce the risk of heart disease, improve brain health and counteract cellular aging. In this regard, millions of people are following a particular practice.

As the website explains Veronesi Foundation, extra virgin olive oil, rich in monounsaturated fats, especially oleic acid, is known for its positive impacts on cardiovascular health and cholesterol. The presence of antioxidants, like vitamin E and polyphenols, makes it an ally in the fight against free radicals, promoting healthy skin.

Furthermore, some scientific studies such as the one published on Journal of the American College of Cardiology, highlight that the regular consumption of extra virgin olive oil is associated with a significant reduction of the risk of cardiovascular, pulmonary and neurodegenerative diseases. Replacing other sources of fat with this oil has been shown to have beneficial effects on mortality.

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But not only that: thanks to its richness in antioxidants, extra virgin olive oil has become a symbol of anti-aging. Fights free radicals, helping to keep cells young and vital. Furthermore, its support for the immune system, strengthening of bones and potential prevention of neurodegenerative diseases make it a valuable component for overall well-being.

Given the multiple benefits (in addition to the traditional use as a condiment), extra virgin olive oil has seen growth in consumption patterns: a rapidly growing trend is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Drinking a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil on an empty stomach has become a ritual appreciated for its benefits, which range from protecting the stomach to improving digestion. This emerging practice appears to be gaining popularity thanks to its alleged positive effects on gastrointestinal health.

However, on the same site as the Veronesi Foundationit gets done a necessary premise: “For a healthy and balanced diet, doses of three tablespoons per day should certainly not be exceeded. It is important to remember that oil is not a drug, excessive consumption does not lower cholesterol but, on the contrary, raises it!”. In short, yes to raw oil, but in moderation.

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