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Experimentation microRNA inhibitor – Webmagazine24

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Experimentation microRNA inhibitor – Webmagazine24

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L’oncology is experiencing a revolution thanks to the experimentation of a microRNA inhibitor in cancer patients. Two recent studies in Italy have opened new frontiers in the treatment of human neoplasms.

RNA therapy to fight cancer

The RNA-based therapy represent one of the most promising strategies of modern medicine. The inhibitor of microRNA-221known as LNA-i-miR-221is at the heart of this innovation.

MicroRNA News: Clinical Trial Details

Conducted at theUniversity of Magna Graecia (UMG) and theRenato Dulbecco University Hospital of Catanzarothe study demonstrated the safety and biological and clinical activity of the inhibitor.

Phase 1: Safety and Results

Data from a Phase 1 study showed that the experimental drug is ready for the subsequent phases of Phase 2 and 3 trials. The demonstration of safety and the first evidence of activity of this first-in-class drug will stimulate the international community.

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Il Prof. Pierfrancesco Tassone, professor of Medical Oncology at UMG, led the team in the realization of this ambitious project. The research followed all stages of advanced preclinical development, complying with international and national regulatory procedures, and led to the creation of a final product ready for experimental clinical use.

Next Phases: Phase 2 and 3 trials

The results of the Phase 1 trial demonstrated that the investigational drug is ready for the subsequent phases of Phase 2 and 3 trials. This success is a concrete example of the impact that excellent scientific research can have on patient care and it will stimulate further investment in the international community.

The demonstration of the safety and the first evidence of the activity of this drug first-in-class it will stimulate the international community to invest human and financial resources in order to develop new therapeutic scenarios. Prof. Tassone concludes: “The result is obviously not only personal, but shared above all with Prof. Pierosandro Tagliaferri, full professor of Medical Oncology at the UMG itself, who contributed to the various phases of this long and complex history. Above all, the result belongs to the whole Team of our clinicians and young researchers supported by AIRC, who have made it possible to concretely realize the vision of integration of knowledge, which the late Rector Salvatore Venuta had placed at the basis of the mission of our University. Not a point of arrival therefore but a departure towards a promising scenario, which we hope will soon translate into increasingly effective treatments for our patients”.

“Today we are giving back to the community a concrete example of the impact that excellent scientific research has on patient care – declares the professor Federico Caligaris CappioScientific Director of the AIRC Foundation – We are proud to have contributed to this important milestone achieved by Professor Pierfrancesco Tassone and his group which AIRC has been supporting continuously for over fifteen years. We are well aware that research cannot be improvised but is built over time with rigor and method. For this reason it is essential to be able to offer the best scientists financial stability on long-term projects just as happens with the special “5 per thousand” programs that AIRC has been able to design and support over the years thanks to the trust of millions of citizens”.

MicroRNA Therapy Research Oncology: An Important Goal Supported by the AIRC Foundation

The AIRC Foundation has supported this important milestone, contributing to the success of Professor Tassone and his team for over fifteen years. This result represents not only an arrival point but a departure towards a promising scenario, which could translate into increasingly effective treatments for patients.

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