Home » Exploring the Benefits and Risks of Aesthetic Medicine with Dr. Nieves Fervienza

Exploring the Benefits and Risks of Aesthetic Medicine with Dr. Nieves Fervienza

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Exploring the Benefits and Risks of Aesthetic Medicine with Dr. Nieves Fervienza

COPE Asturias, a radio station, is working to educate listeners on the importance of maintaining good health through their weekly segment titled ‘Health a Day’. This week, they had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Nieves Fervienza, a specialist in Aesthetic and Cosmetic Medicine, who shared insights from her practice at La Paz Clinic in Oviedo.

Dr. Fervienza highlighted that the main goal of aesthetic medicine is to enhance the general well-being of patients and achieve optimal health. She mentioned that her patients range from teenagers seeking treatment for acne to older individuals dealing with issues related to aging and sun exposure.

While there are treatments available for people of all ages, Dr. Fervienza emphasized that aesthetic medicine focuses on improving the quality of life for patients. She explained that the World Health Organization’s definition of health includes physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and aesthetic treatments can lead to an overall enhancement in a patient’s quality of life.

When discussing the risks associated with aesthetic treatments, Dr. Fervienza stressed the importance of seeking treatment from a qualified and experienced doctor. She noted that the risks are similar to any other medical specialty and that it is crucial for patients to put themselves in the hands of a doctor with the necessary training in Aesthetic and Cosmetic Medicine.

Overall, Dr. Nieves Fervienza’s insights shed light on the benefits and advancements in aesthetic medicine while also cautioning listeners to prioritize their safety by choosing reputable and accredited medical professionals for their treatments.

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