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Fatty liver disease: symptoms and treatment

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More commonly known as “fatty liver”, hepatic steatosis is characterized by an excessive accumulation of fat in the liver, more precisely it occurs when the amount of triglycerides in the liver exceeds 5% of the weight of the organ itself. Let’s see the symptoms and possible treatments together.

In fact, the steatosis it’s a benign condition, but if not promptly addressed, it can progress leading to the onset of severe conditions, such as the cirrhosis. Steatosis does not involve specific symptoms; Sometimes, sufferers may experience abdominal pain in the right side of the abdomen. Very rarely it can occur jaundice, diarrhea, vomiting and a modest feeling of fatigue.

The classification

The steatosis is defined alcoholic if caused by excessive alcohol intake which has a decidedly harmful action on the liver.

The steatosis non alcoholic it is mainly due to a poor diet based on the intake of foods rich in fats and sugars. Other factors that can determine the onset of this condition are also stress and other diseases such as diabetes.

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The causes of hepatic silkosis


  • Obesity and overweight, especially if these conditions occur already starting from the pediatric age;
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertriglycemia or hypercholesterolemia, that is, high amounts of triglycerides or bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • Medicines, especially following prolonged intake of corticosteroids, acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) and tetracyclines;
  • Viral diseases, such as hepatitis C.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and children

The non-alcoholic fatty liver disease unfortunately it is not a condition that can only occur in adults; lately it has been possible to verify how this condition is very frequent in children of western countries. The data are so worrying that they assume the characteristics of a real epidemic: in particular, in Italy it has been estimated that about 15% of the pediatric population suffers from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

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Common characteristics of these children are lexcessive abdominal circumference, blood pressure above the norm, insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia: all conditions which in turn favor the onset of other pathologies such as diabetes or diseases concerning the cardio-circulatory system.

We take care of our liver with proper nutrition


A Proper nutrition and the winning care: first of all, we eliminate from our table everything that can cause damage to our liver (fried foods, red meats, cheeses with a high fat content, alcohol and sweets); instead we set our table with the typical foods of the Mediterranean Diet, which has been seen to be capable of carrying out a preventive action, but also of cure.

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Several studies have in fact confirmed how this “style” feeding both able to maintain the right body weight, but also the normal levels of fat in the blood, the correct secretion of insulin and therefore also the maintenance of the levels of blood sugar.

A natural help

A further help can be offered to us by the use of plants and medicinal herbs capable of purify the liver, but also to eliminate fat. Generally the use of these natural remedies it has no particular contraindications, but in any case it is advisable to use them under medical advice and especially avoid taking them during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • Artichoke: it also has numerous therapeutic properties. In particular, at the hepatic level it carries out a hepatoprotective and antitoxic action, especially against alcohol; stimulates the secretion of bile thus facilitating the elimination of fats.
  • Milk thistle: also has a high ability to purify the liver, but also to promote the regeneration of liver tissue damaged following the use of drugs, alcohol and drugs;
  • Rosemary: it is widely used in cooking for its particular aroma; but it also has important phytotherapeutic properties. In fact, this plant helps to purify and detoxify the liver; in addition, it stimulates the production of bile, which is necessary for the digestion of fats. It can be taken both in the form of an infusion or decoction, and in the form of essential oil, which can be purchased in herbal medicine.
  • Bardana: performs a tonic action on the liver and kidneys; moreover, it is also useful for the treatment of skin diseases. Since it is capable of stimulating the contraction of the uterus, it is not recommended to take it during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.
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