Home » Fedez reappears on social media: “I stopped taking the drug”, fear for his condition

Fedez reappears on social media: “I stopped taking the drug”, fear for his condition

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Fedez reappears on social media: “I stopped taking the drug”, fear for his condition
Fedez – Source Twitter

After a few days of absence, Fedez reappears on social media and updates fans by explaining that he has suspended a drug.

There was immediate concern about his condition, since he spoke of rather specific medicines for certain types of problems and, above all, he referred to some side effects quite heavy to handle.

So the rapper he chose to act differently and to solve the problems that currently afflict him in another way, even if it will certainly be a much more difficult path, and to focus above all on his loved ones.

But what medicines did Fedez take until recently? And what were the side effects that he experienced?

Fedez scares the fans, the medicines have had devastating effects

In the last period we have often heard of Fedez and his health conditions – which to many have appeared more serious than expected. In fact, in the last few days, the boy had written on social media that he wanted to get away from the various platforms for a while in order to be able to solve personal problems and everyone immediately thought that his health was in danger.

A partially true hypothesis, since shortly after he returned to writing on his Instagram profile – as reported by the journalist Andrea Conti on Twitter – explaining that in January he had received a prescription for a antidepressant which immediately had given heavy side effects such as nervous tics in the mouth.

Suddenly suspending the drugs, however, he had what is defined rebound effector undesirable effects caused precisely by the interruption of therapy and, specifically, had to do with nausea, dizziness and spasms.

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Fedez – Source Twitter

How Fedez is today, his health conditions are frightening

In the very long social content published, the artist then explained that even today he doesn’t really feel 100% and that’s why he didn’t show up at the conference of LOL and al trial of the Corinaldo massacre as well as at other events where his presence was expected. Even now, explains Fedez, he accuses dizziness and heavy sweatingeven if every day these symptoms appear in an increasingly milder form.

Either way, he concludes, he wants to focus on his family and take care of his mental health without taking shortcuts by dealing with the traumas that he has to resolve through therapy. In short, no more medicines for the artist, which had completely negative effects on him.

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