Home » Fedez’s surgeon: «So I saved him. Pancreatic tumors? I’m not a death sentence “

Fedez’s surgeon: «So I saved him. Pancreatic tumors? I’m not a death sentence “

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Fedez’s surgeon: «So I saved him.  Pancreatic tumors?  I’m not a death sentence “

Massimo Falconi, the surgeon who operated on Fedez, and the rapper after the operation (Instagram)

There is no need to investigate the illness that has struck Fedez. He told everything on social media on March 24th. The post published by the rapper in the top ten of Italian influencers leaves no doubt: Last week I discovered that I have a rare neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas … I had to undergo a surgery that lasted 6 hours … two days after the operation I am fine and I can’t wait to go home to my children… Thanks to the doctors, surgeons and nurses who have been by my side during these busy days. Here is explained everything. We looked for the surgeon who operated on him (and thanked him). Professor Massimo Falconi, director of the Pancreas Center of the Irccs San Raffaele Hospital in Milan: he has worked there since January 1, 2015, but until 2012 he worked in Verona, in the Scaligera hospital and also in agreement with the Negrar Hospital , the municipality in which he resides, in the hamlet of Montecchio.

Professor, how do you feel about having operated on Fedez – given the enormous clamor that the affair has aroused – and how is he today a few days after the surgery?
I just did my job. I work for the people and not for the characters and Fedez primarily a person. I cannot say anything about his state of health. But don’t worry, he will post the follow-up….

Fedez’s pancreatic cancer impressed Italians so much, who gathered around him with thousands of messages of support. When it comes to pancreatic cancer, for the collective imagination it means having numbered days. really so?
Not all pancreatic cancers are associated with a poor prognosis. It does not necessarily mean having a death sentence, but also a hope of recovery. Neuroendocrine tumors, if we discover them to be small, and today the high definition methods are able to identify them at an early stage, can be cured.

What is the difference between neuroendocrine tumors and those that leave no hope?
The most numerous and unfortunately the most aggressive are pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas, which mainly affect between the sixth and seventh decades of life. While neuroendocrine tumors have a different evolution.

That means?
We do not know the causes of their development, for 10% of cases we know that they are associated with genetic alteration, while for 90% they are sporadic forms. The widespread neuroendocrine system present throughout our organism and from these cells tumors can arise in the first place in the gastro-pancreatic system and in the abdominal organs and secondly also in the lungs and bronchi.

And do they give signals?
Endocrine neoplasms can secrete specific, inappropriate hormones, and they are many, some of these are insulinomas, gastrinomas, gluconomes, etc. They are called functioning neuroendocrine tumors, but they occur in 20% of cases, while in 80% they are non-functioning and do not give symptoms. In any case, if the neoplasm is identified early and there are no widespread metastases, it is possible to intervene immediately with surgical removal. Otherwise there are many effective treatments today.

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March 26, 2022 (change March 26, 2022 | 16:50)

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