Home » Fitness, short and effective workouts: tips, exercises and benefits

Fitness, short and effective workouts: tips, exercises and benefits

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Fitness, short and effective workouts: tips, exercises and benefits

If among the thousand commitments you can’t be constant, the solution is to get moving even through sessions of a few minutes. Here are the benefits and how to choose the right workout

Little time to train? Don’t give up on good intentions: to get results you can even start with a few minutes at medium/high intensity. If among the thousand commitments you can’t be constant, the solution is to get moving even through sessions of a few minutes, which will help the body stay in shape.

What are the benefits?

Your general health will thank you! In fact, the first step to combating a sedentary lifestyle is to start with short but effective workouts. What is needed? You don’t need anything: just carve out about ten minutes during the day and start from the comfort of your home. There is no best time, it depends on personal needs and commitments: whether it’s in the morning before breakfast, during a lunch break or in the evening after work, the important thing is not to give up your physical and mental well-being. Yes, because it takes very little to immediately see important results, especially as regards the psychophysical aspect: training helps reduce anxiety and stress, increase concentration and – above all – allows you to disconnect from a thousand thoughts, finding new energy. This improvement also impacts on the physical aspect, because the body will be more relaxed, less inflamed and it will be easier to reach your goal.

How to choose the right workout?

By selecting your preferences, you can set workouts based on your daily needs: if you’re looking for short workouts, just choose the duration you prefer (10, 15, 20 minutes or more) and set your level (basic, intermediate, advanced). The trainers will be able to guide you towards a new routine, with clear explanations of the exercises and – of course – transmitting that energy you need to continue training. What is a typical workout like? With buddyfit we have prepared a short circuit that you can do directly at home and suitable for all levels.


Guiding us in this workout is Carol Enrico, a former ballet dancer and now a personal trainer specializing in barre, yoga and mobility. It is a workout with an “inner thigh” focus, which involves repeating one exercise for 40 seconds and the next for 20 seconds, first on one side and then on the other. Here are the exercises to perform: – Sumo Squat – Up and Down.

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