Home » Five hangover remedies you can get in any supermarket

Five hangover remedies you can get in any supermarket

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Five hangover remedies you can get in any supermarket

If you already know that you will wake up with a hangover on New Year’s Day, you can still take precautions today and take a few tried-and-tested home remedies with you when you go shopping:

1. Fruit and vegetables for a hangover breakfast

It is usually recommended that your hangover breakfast be as hearty, salty and fatty as possible. When we have a severe hangover, our liver is usually busy breaking down the alcohol we have consumed and is working at full speed.

Keeping the liver busy with a heavy breakfast is rather counterproductive. Better you stick to foods that are high in vitamins and minerals. First choice would be here Fruit and Vegetables , e.g. in a smoothie or a fruit salad. If you prefer a hearty breakfast, go for it Whole grain bread and one breakfast egg . Also a tablespoon oatmeal or even a glass Milch can help bind stomach acid and thus dampen hangover symptoms.

2. Chicken soup for lunch

After the raclette or fondue feast the evening before, you can treat yourself to something good at New Year’s lunchtime with a soup or stew. Above all chicken soup brings the electrolyte balance back forward.

3. Water, apple juice and herbal tea

Enough fluids are not only important for the body the next morning – you should drink a glass of water between each drink the evening before as a preventive measure. If you drink half a liter or a liter of water before going to bed, you can also avoid headaches the next day.

If it’s too late and you wake up in the morning with a heavy skull, you should do yourself and your stomach a big favor and drink still water – carbon dioxide irritates your stomach. Who suits the light hangover breakfast water, tea and Apple juice will definitely be fit again quickly.

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4. Drink coffee with lemon

In addition to sufficient water, you can also Coffee provide quick relief and, above all, relieve headaches. The effect is further enhanced if you eat something fresh lemon juice added.

The Italians originally invented this effect against a sore head – they have sworn by espresso with lemon for generations and this combination actually reduces the feeling of pain. If this idea turns your stomach, you can too black tea swing around. The effect occurs because caffeine and citric acid block the formation of an enzyme that controls the release of substances that transmit pain. However, too much coffee should also be avoided, as too much caffeine can cause headaches.

5. Ginger or chamomile for tea

If you still feel bad after coffee, you can take a fresh break Ginger brew. Ginger tea inhibits the production of stomach acid and also calms the nervous system. Similar to Camomile tea It is therefore ideal for combating heartburn, nausea and dizziness.

Medication only when nothing works anymore

If nothing really helps, you can of course also resort to a painkiller. The general rule for hangover medication is: as much as necessary, but as little as possible. Important to note: There are always side effects associated with taking certain medications that can actually make your condition worse.

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