Home » Flu or covid? | Millions of Italians in bed: ‘It’s scary’

Flu or covid? | Millions of Italians in bed: ‘It’s scary’

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Flu or covid?  |  Millions of Italians in bed: ‘It’s scary’

The flu is spreading faster and faster in this last period, now many are wondering if the symptoms are attributable to Covid. Let’s find out in detail how to recognize them and what to do.

In recent weeks the flu has been affecting more and more people, now the latest data is causing some concern. But how can we tell if it’s a simple fever or Covid? Let’s find out all the symptoms in detail.

The flu is affecting more and more people: here are the worrying data

The latest flu data alarms everyone, according to the statistics of InfluNet of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, in Italy approx 771 miles cases of patients with flu symptoms. It hasn’t happened since 2009 when our country was hit by the swine flu pandemic. Now, after the latest wave of Covid many people are worried about their health, especially that of children.

In fact, again according to the latest data, this flu that is spreading so fast would especially affect the little ones under 5 years of age. Just a week ago, as many as 40 cases per thousand were recorded in this particular age group. Unfortunately, most of the children have needed specific care in the emergency departments, due to fever too high. But let’s find out what the main symptoms are and how to tell if it’s the flu or Covid.

The flu runs too fast: worried Italians

In this last period the flu is hitting more and more Italians and way too fast. Matteo Bassetti, a guest on Mattino Cinque News, also commented on the situation as follows “The flu worries me more than Covid today. Currently in our country there are many 771 miles of flu, but what worries the virologist is the fact that after two years of masks and distancing we do not have enough immune defenses. Unfortunately, this flu is seriously affecting especially children under the age of 5, which is why many worried parents are literally filling the emergency room.

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influenza covid
Flu or Covid? Here’s how to figure out what it is

But that’s not all, this year the flu will have a much longer season than expected, in fact the peak will begin to register as early as December, instead of between January and February. To confirm the thesis was John Rezza, current director of the prevention department of the Ministry of Health who has given a long interview to Corriere della Sera in the last few hours. Rezza revealed that this flu generally lasts five days and has a very high fever right away. In addition, among the symptoms we also find sore throat, runny nose, loss of appetite and bone pain. To lower the fever, he recommends drinking plenty of water, resting and not taking antibiotics unless prescribed by the general practitioner following a bacterial complication. What do you think about it?

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