Home » Foods that prevent and fight urinary tract infections: list

Foods that prevent and fight urinary tract infections: list

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Foods that prevent and fight urinary tract infections, foods that can help our body stay healthy.

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Very often a wrong diet can cause certain diseases, but many times, on the other hand, nutrition can be the solution to prevent various diseases, even quite serious ones.

Proper nutrition, accompanied by physical activity, helps prevent cardiovascular disease as well as diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and even urinary tract infections.

In this article today, we will focus on the foods that prevent and fight urinary tract infections. Let’s see together which foods it is.

Urinary tract infections: what they are and what causes them

It is not uncommon to suffer from urinary tract infections, the problem can affect both men and women. Let’s see what it is.

The term “urinary tract infection”Explains the presence of symptoms that irritate the urinary tract, associated with the isolation of pathogenic microorganisms in the urine.

Urinary tract infections are generally caused by bacteria, more rarely by viruses and only exceptionally by fungi.

They can be acute and include: infections lower urinary tract (clean, urethritis, prostatitis) e upper urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystopyelitis).

In some patients there is a genetic predisposition urinary infections due to the lack or inborn lack of production of defensive chemicals.

While in other patients, however, there are specifications favorable circumstances, Which:

  • bad habits (postpone urination);
  • birth control devices such as diaphragm;
  • Anatomical factors due to pathologies;
  • vaginal factors (receptivity to bacterial colonization);
  • intense cold;
  • associated pathologies (diabetes, neurological disorders, uterine or bladder prolapse);
  • constipation.
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Changing our habits and taking a correct diet is the best prevention that can be done.

In fact, there are some foods that prevent and fight urinary tract infections. Let’s find out, together, what they are.

Foods that prevent and fight urinary tract infections

Before talking about foods it should be emphasized that an adequate supply of water, 1.5 or 2 liters per day, it is essential.

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Of course, also based on the season and physical activity or possibly herbal teas and infusions as long as they are sugar-free.

Here then, the foods that prevent and fight urinary tract infections are:

  • garlic, onion and aromatic herbs;
  • Whole grains, preferable to refined ones because they favor intestinal transit;
  • low-fat fresh cheeses;
  • fruit such as: blueberries, currants, kiwis, strawberries and berries because, thanks to the abundant presence of vitamin C, they help strengthen the urinary tract and the immune system;
  • fermented milk and its derivatives (yogurt or kefyr).
  • extra virgin olive oil raw to season food;
  • fresh fish (as the main source of animal protein);
  • vegetables, trying to vary the colors and respecting the seasonality.

Instead, the consumption of salt and red meats should be moderate (opting for the leaner cuts).

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Foods to avoid and practical advice

Of course, like there are foods that prevent and fight urinary tract infections, there are also those not recommended that do not help our body.

They are:

  • fried foods;
  • drinks containing caffeine or other nerve substances (eg coffee, tea, cola, energy drink, etc.).
  • sugary drinks, fruit juices and those with the wording “without added sugars”;
  • fatty seasonings (such as butter, lard, lard, margarine, cream, etc.), because they can slow down digestion;
  • dolci: such as chocolate, ice cream, snacks, candies, etc., because simple sugars favor bacterial growth;
  • sweeteners (in tablets or contained in some yogurts, jams, baked goods and soft drinks).
  • spicy cheeses;
  • high-fat sausages (sausage, salami, cotechino, zampone, etc);
  • natural and artificial yeasts;
  • elaborate sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, bbq, etc);
  • spicy spices in general (chilli, pepper, curry, paprika), because they can act as irritants of the mucous membrane of the bladder;
  • citrus juice and strawberries they can irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder;
  • spirits and spirits (including wine and beer) as irritants.
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In addition to this list of products it is useful to put some into practice advice to prevent urinary tract infections, namely:

  • careful and daily intimate hygiene;
  • wearing cotton underwear;
  • urinating before and especially after intercourse;
  • practice regular exercise;
  • not smoking.

Raffaella Lauretta

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