Home » “For those without particular pathologies, a little wine with meals does no harm”

“For those without particular pathologies, a little wine with meals does no harm”

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“For those without particular pathologies, a little wine with meals does no harm”

Ireland has decided to equate alcohol to cigarettes and to write, even on wine labels, that it is bad for your health. With the approval of the EU Commission.

Antonella Viola, researcher and professor at the University of Padua, a well-known face on TV especially in the covid period, said that even moderate alcohol consumption “damages” the brain and increases the risk of tumors”. It’s still: “those who drink have a smaller brain”.

According to the scientist, drinking wine is bad for your health because it promotes the development of certain types of cancer, including colon and breast cancer.

The doctor’s support for the Irish decision, as we have already said, has put more wood on the fire of the controversy

Everyone replied to the diktat “wine is bad for your health“.

Prosecco producers have risen up. There has been irony on social media (“my centenary grandfather has been drinking Lambrusco for a lifetime”). Genoese infectious disease specialist Matteo Bassetti raised a glass of wine in favor of the camera. Red lovers have disturbed the presumed (but denied) antioxidant properties of a substance contained in wine.

We came out of the social jungle where we don’t understand well and we interviewed the Marsala doctor Giuseppe Vinci, Clinical Nutritionist and Dietitian in service at the Sant’Antonio hospital in Trapani.

Doctor then, wine and spirits in general are bad for your health?

“There are some scientific “interventions” that are bringing to the attention some data which, through social networks, are becoming public domain, but which we insiders have known for some time. That is, for some categories of subjects, drinking even a little is bad for you”.

Let’s try to get more specific.


“Naturally minors and especially children. Then the elders. Now we all know that even those who are in good health and do not have major pathologies, but are advanced in years, carry some small ailments that need pharmacological treatment with them”.

So is it a combination of alcohol and drugs?

“Yes, that was known. Now there are more recent studies that confirm this.

There are scientists who maintain that wine consumed within meals can be less dangerous than the one consumed at different times.

“We are always talking about modest quantities. This is where absorption comes into play. It is advisable to drink alcoholic beverages on a full stomach, because in this way the ethanol is absorbed more slowly and the amount that enters the bloodstream is lower”.

To those who argue that part of science is not harmed by wine, perhaps in a slightly superficial way, they reply if anyone is willing to be operated on by a surgeon who has been drinking…

“I read, or traveling on a bus whose driver has been drinking. I, like everyone else, would not let an alcoholic doctor operate on me. But from drinking a little wine with meals to becoming an alcoholic, there’s a lot to do with it”.

In conclusion, those who are very young or elderly with pathologies must not use alcohol. The others in moderation at meals. By the way, do you drink during lunch?

“Not being a child and fortunately not suffering from particular pathologies, a modest amount of wine accompanies me for lunch”.

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