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Franco and his brothers

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Franco and his brothers

FRanco Di Mare, 68 years previous, journalist, historic face of Rai, has died. The household introduced the information in a be aware. He had been affected by mesothelioma for a while.

In latest weeks, in a troublesome interview with Corriere del Serathen repeated by Fabio Fazio a What a time fa number of days later, Di Mare had denounced the isolation through which he discovered himself on Rai, after the information of his sickness.

The struggle reporter who turned an adoptive father

In explicit, Di Mare complained about the truth that the Saxa Rubra administration refused to problem him a service report with the missions carried out overseas as a struggle correspondent. In reality, the journalist feared that the intense lung illness that had affected him was the results of publicity to asbestos or different supplies throughout his reporting in theaters of struggle, such because the lengthy correspondence that took him to the Balkans through the civil battle in that space.

It was in 1992, in Sarajevo, the place Di Mare recounted the Serbian siege of the Bosnian capital at size. From Bosnia, the journalist returned with a 10-month-old woman, Stella, a struggle orphan, who he then adopted. And he devoted a e-book to that story, Don’t ask why (Rizzoli), which impressed the miniseries in 2015 The angel of Sarajevo of RaiUno, with Giuseppe Fiorello who performed Di Mare himself and to whom the opening photograph refers (by Stefano Colarieti / LaPresse).

Where and why asbestos nonetheless kills

«Il mesothelioma pleural”, wrote our colleague Nicla Panciera on 30 April, “is a malignant tumor that originates from the pleura and is as a result of very superb asbestos fibers that insinuate themselves between the 2 sheets that make up this membrane, creating irritation and beginning the pathological course of”. A tumor that has killed and nonetheless kills many employees who, in latest a long time, have been uncovered to asbestos, reminiscent of these at Eternit in Casale Monferrato (Al), which gave rise to a historic trial.

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Events that additionally led to a legislation – 257/92– which prohibits the extraction, import, export, advertising and marketing and manufacturing of asbestos even when «sure territories will not be free from mud in any respect».

In the article you discover under, Panciera interviewed Federica Grosso, chargeable for the straightforward departmental construction of Mesothelioma and Rare Cancers of the Santi Antonio e Biagio and Cesare Arrigo University Hospital of Alessandria.

Grosso and his collaborators are among the many main Italian specialists on mesothelioma and warn that, sadly, this tumor will proceed to kill, as a result of the bomb it constitutes has not but been defused, with the reclamation of the numerous areas through which asbestos particles can nonetheless hit. Areas reminiscent of these detectable by the report that Inail produces each three years, for the Record launched by the above legislation.

«The most up-to-date report», writes Panciera, «is from 2021 and notes that fifty% of the brand new instances are registered amongst residents in Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria and Emilia-Romagna. The most affected areas are Casale Monferrato, Mestre, Savona and Ancona.”

Many Franco Di Mare about whom, sadly, we are going to know little.


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