Home » From Enpam first free Ecm course for doctors and dentists on digital health

From Enpam first free Ecm course for doctors and dentists on digital health

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From Enpam first free Ecm course for doctors and dentists on digital health

The course will guarantee participants the release of 5 training credits and will be the first of a series of 4 appointments that can also be followed independently of each other. The first course, already available, will present a focus on the changes that are taking place in the care path.

19 MAG – From today, Friday 19 May 2023, all doctors and dentists, by accessing the Enpam Tech2Doc platform, will be able to follow a free CME course on digital health.

The course will guarantee participants the release of 5 training credits and will be the first of a series of 4 appointments that can also be followed independently of each other.

“Digital healthcare is not yet to come, but it is already among us and faced with the challenge of continuous technological innovations we must rethink our profession – commented the president of Enpam Alberto Olivetti -. It is therefore necessary to ensure that artificial intelligence and all the new digital tools do not threaten the work of doctors and dentists, but become an amplifier of their skills”.

All four courses offered through the Tec2Doc.it portal will focus on the development of digital healthcare and will be able to count on Healthware Group as scientific partner and on Metis as CME provider.

The appointments on Tech2Doc, all free, will be organized in four distinct distance learning courses (Fad), in each of which a different aspect will be explored.

The first course, already available, will present a focus on the changes that are taking place in the care path. The second module, which will be released in June, will instead concern the development and validation of healthcare digitization tools.

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The third Fad, which will be available on the Tech2Doc website from July, will be dedicated to regulation and access models. Finally, the release of the last course is scheduled for August, which will present an in-depth analysis of the specific applications of digital health.

19 maggio 2023
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