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Funding for 22 projects in favor of patients

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DURING the health emergency that has hit our country in the last two years, the world of the Third Sector has made a great contribution to the Health System in providing answers and support to patients and caregivers. And Fondazione Roche is ready to finance 22 projects of patient associations for the creation of services and activities dedicated to oncology and oncological hematology, rare diseases, neuroscience and ophthalmology, and aimed at supporting the path of care of the sick and those in their side. It is the fourth edition of the “Roche Foundation for Patients” call, open until October 15, 2021.

The impressive financial support made available by the Roche Foundation, equal to 500,000 euros, will be divided as follows: € 400,000 will be allocated in the form of 20 prizes of € 20,000 each and € 100,000 will be dedicated to 2 prizes of € 50,000 each representing a Announcements. These will be projects relating to all areas and will have to be presented exclusively by networks of patient associations, also transversal to the areas identified. With this contribution of € 100,000 we intend to reward the networking and partnership capacity in identifying design solutions with high impact for the community and for the Health System.

“With this call, Fondazione Roche aims to support innovative projects capable of responding to the needs of patients and those who take care of them, supporting associations, families and even institutions in a very delicate moment for our Country – he comments Mariapia Garavaglia, President of Fondazione Roche: “The PNRR represents an exceptional opportunity to rebuild a better system and we at the Foundation want to do our part with concrete initiatives capable of facilitating the people who live directly or indirectly with diseases that are often difficult to manage every day . All of us system partners must commit ourselves to guaranteeing, promoting and protecting health and healthcare, without forgetting the most fragile, providing responsible support to the actors operating in this context ”.

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The “Roche Foundation for Patients” Call, now in its 4th edition, is the direct and concrete testimony of the commitment announced in 2019 with the “La Roche I wish” program, which aims to ensure maximum transparency in interaction and in collaboration with the medical profession, with hospitals, with research institutions and patient associations, with the scientific world and with associations. In fact, the evaluation of the projects that can be candidates on the site by 15 October 2021, it will be entrusted to VITA Impresa Sociale, as an external partner, which will evaluate the projects on the basis of various criteria: clarity in the description, impact of the expected benefits for families, patients and communities, collaboration and networking with other associations Patients, National and local Foundations and / or Institutions, sustainability and collaboration with the Health System, and public institutions, innovation and attention to the digital issue, adequacy of dedicated resources, transferability and replicability of the proposed service.

“The collaboration between profit and non-profit has now become a stable reality. In fact, many Third Sector Entities are able to experiment with new activities and new services, and this also applies to patient associations, using the resources made available by companies and their foundations – he explains Giuseppe Ambrosio, CEO of VITA – our editorial and social media platform, has been talking about all this for over 26 years, all the ideas, projects and efforts related to co-planning and profit-non-profit partnerships. And it is on this path that the Roche Foundation is showing great foresight in building stable paths of coaching and support for patient associations. This is demonstrated by this fourth edition of the “Roche Foundation for Patients” call, which will see us working together for the first time, with the hope of creating a positive social impact for our communities “.

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