Home » German Bundestag – Arbitration proceedings with mask suppliers

German Bundestag – Arbitration proceedings with mask suppliers

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German Bundestag – Arbitration proceedings with mask suppliers

Berlin: (hib/STO) The answer from the Federal Government (20/6240) to a small request from the parliamentary group Die Linke (20/5921). As the parliamentary group explained in it, the federal government is tendering for disposal of respiratory masks “that were bought during the pandemic, stored in China, but never imported into Germany for quality reasons”. According to the federal government, arbitration proceedings have been initiated in some cases.

As the federal government explained as of March 28, eleven arbitration proceedings are ongoing in connection with the procurement of protective masks. Around 108 million masks are currently the subject of arbitration proceedings. The estimated total value of their goods is “currently around 132 million euros”.

According to the response, the arbitration proceedings were initiated on the basis of the framework agreements agreed with the suppliers and the arbitration clauses contained therein. According to the submission, the proceedings are conducted before the China International Economic Trade and Arbitration Commission (CIETAC).

When asked how many masks procured by the federal government are stored in China, the answer says that around 230 million masks are currently stored there. The Federal Ministry of Health is currently not planning to introduce the masks stored in China to Germany.

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