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Gianni Sperti, top physique at 50: copy his training to transform yourself

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Gianni Sperti, top physique at 50: copy his training to transform yourself

Dancer and columnist of Men and womenGianni Sperti has always cared about his physical shape: his training is decidedly difficult.

Gianni Sperti was born as a dancer, to then end up on the chair of Men and women as a commentator. It is actually a career suited to her temperament, so much so that – from the very first episodes of the program – Maria De Filippi understood that she could invest in her talent for a long time. The couple formed by Gianni and his historic colleague Tina Cipollari allows the episodes to have that pinch of panache and vitality, responsible for the real involvement of the public. For over 21 years, the former Apulian artist works side by side with the Mediaset landladyproving that he has what it takes to get the famous TV show dating show proficiency.

During the last recordings then, it seems that Gianni Sperti has managed to outclass his colleague originally from Viterbo. He spoke often and willingly during the current edition, above all in defense of Ida Platano – pupil and friend of his for over five years. Forever champion of gender equality, has let himself go often and willingly to particularly positive considerations towards the female gender. Nonetheless, as also happens for Tina Cipollari, Gianni Sperti is often massacred by the people of the web.

Gianni Sperti, perfect physical form at the age of 50: Canale 5’s face training

Often the protagonist of gossip newspapers and tabloid tabloids, Gianni Sperti may certainly not be liked by a part of the public, but he remains unassailable on physical form. In fact, as a former dancer, the columnist of Men and women It is used to follow a healthy diet, characterized by the consumption of wholemeal flours, vegetables and lean proteins; obviously combined with a hard workout. Recently, Maria De Filippi’s pupil released a video where he shows his followers the work-out plan that he frequently performs.

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Gianni Sperti, 50 years old and in perfect physical shape – (Credit: Instagram Gianni Sperti) – newsby.it

Gianni Sperti therefore begins with the leg press, incredibly efficient machine, whose goal is focused on the development of the hamstrings and glutes; then specifically train the leg muscles with squats and deadlifts. Anyone who follows the program may have noticed one consistent growth of superior muscle tone: chest, shoulders and trapezius are literally sculpted on the columnist’s body and are incredibly defined. In any case, this is a work-out suitable for experts: novices certainly cannot start with a training plan of this type.

It is sufficient to contact a capable personal trainer who can create a training program modulated on the basis of your constitution. Within a few years you could get close to perfect physical shape, increasing your resistance and obviously your own self-esteem. Gianni Sperti is almost fifty years oldyet possesses much more strength than many young boys.

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