Home » Goodbye low blood pressure, what to eat to avoid hypotension in summer

Goodbye low blood pressure, what to eat to avoid hypotension in summer

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Goodbye low blood pressure, what to eat to avoid hypotension in summer

To counter the low blood pressure due to the summer heat, there are particularly useful foods as well as some precautions to be taken.

The low pressure it is a rather frequent phenomenon during the summer, when the heat can cause sudden drops in blood flow to the brain. Episodes which, if sporadic and transient, should not cause concern and do not require medical intervention. Surely these are disturbances which, during some processes such as the digestive one, have a greater chance of occurring: it is in fact known that, to digest a large meal, the digestive system requires more blood at the expense of the brain.

The heat is undoubtedly a factor that can affect the pressure leading to a feeling of weakness, fainting, dizziness and reduction of mineral salts. Before proceeding to find out which foods can help bring the situation back within the correct parameters, let us remember the importance of wet the patient with fresh water, make him drink and move him to a more ventilated environment.

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The contribution of mineral salts it is essential to restore the correct electrolyte balance of the body and ensure that the pressure returns to normal levels, therefore a valid aid is undoubtedly represented by foods containing considerable quantities of potassium. Green light then to bananas, pineapples, green leafy vegetables and dried or dehydrated fruit.

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Foods rich in are also very useful magnesium including legumes, dark chocolate and avocado. Without forgetting the most classic remedy of all: water with sugar. Great benefits, in case of sudden hypotension, are offered by licoricefrom green tea, from beets and from coffee, which serve to quickly raise blood pressure.

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Foods particularly rich in sugars are obviously remedies to be resorted to when the phenomenon occurs without exaggerating, otherwise the opposite effect would be risked, damaging the patient’s health.

It is obviously recommended, for those in conditions of hypotension, have very light meals in order to prevent the intestine from being overloaded by the increased demand for blood in the direction of the digestive system. Eat little and maybe more frequently it is a golden rule in these cases.

Even for those who simply want to protect themselves against any drops in blood pressure during this period, the best trick is to adopt a diet rich in seasonal fruit and vegetables. All these suggestions, we reiterate, are effective only if the patient is subject to episodes of hypotension sporadic and fleeting and without loss of consciousness. If not, you need to see your doctor.

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