Home Ā» Gymnastics for Seniors: Effective Gymnastic Exercises & Tips

Gymnastics for Seniors: Effective Gymnastic Exercises & Tips

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Gymnastics for Seniors: Effective Gymnastic Exercises & Tips

A lack of physical exercise and aging processes naturally lead to the occurrence of many diseases, which is why gymnastics can be helpful for seniors. Since bones and joints suffer the most, a series of simple but effective exercises would tone the body. In addition, regular low-intensity gymnastic exercises can significantly improve the general condition and mobility of older people in everyday life. If you want to stay active as you get older and increase your flexibility, energy and vitality, the following examples and tips can help you.

What Health Benefits Does Gymnastics Bring to Seniors?

If your joints feel too stiff to exercise, sitting gymnastics exercises for seniors would be a beneficial alternative. Such an activity involves a targeted loading of certain muscle groups. This is done accordingly in the form of gymnastic exercises that gently and gradually develop your motor skills. The main benefit of this approach is that it allows you to maintain your muscle tone without having to train too hard. When you stretch your muscles like this, your skin also stretches, which allows your internal organs to function better.

stay fit despite old age and train in the park with gymnastics for seniors

In addition, various types of gymnastics for seniors increase blood circulation, which allows the prevention of numerous diseases. This also helps to saturate the soft tissues with nutrients and oxygen with age-related changes. If you also suffer from digestive problems and can speed up your intestinal motility, such exercises will certainly benefit you. An equally important benefit of gymnastic exercises is strengthening the immune system and the body’s defenses. This reduces the frequency of viral infections and flu diseases, even in summer.

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What precautions should be taken when doing gymnastics exercises in old age?

target specific muscle groups and do gymnastics for seniors at home

You should also consider in some cases in which situations gymnastics might be contraindicated for seniors. If, for example, you get a headache or high blood pressure every time you do gymnastics, it would make sense to stop training. Also remember that you should exercise slowly and with moderate loads. Active older people also want to look good and tone their muscles. However, you should not overdo it, as this could negatively affect their health.

as a group of older people doing gymnastics exercises for seniors outdoors

Is it best to do gymnastics exercises for seniors outdoors, or why not exercise in your own yard or garden? However, if you do not have this opportunity, you can air your living space well before you start in order to train in fresh air. In addition, comfortable clothing such as tracksuits or shorts, a T-shirt and light sports shoes are just as important for optimal training.

Have your doctor check your state of health at home when you are old

You should also consider some health factors. Consult a doctor before exercising after a heart attack, diabetes, atrophy of muscle tissue, or changes in bone tissue. Also, always measure your heart rate before and after exercise. Here are some exercises you can consider.

Try effective exercises and gymnastics for seniors yourself

benefit from the health benefits of physical activity in old age

In this type of remedial gymnastics, different exercise machines are used, which not only make the workout more fun, but also develop the body in a complex way. For example, you can use an exercise ball that targets individual muscle groups. As a result, you load your body symmetrically, which also enables balance training and at the same time mobilizes the entire musculature. You can also use weights, but be aware that they put pressure on the joints and spine, especially during overhead movements.

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Gymnastic exercises for seniors while sitting or with a ball

do gymnastic exercises for seniors while sitting with ball or weights

  • Exercise 1 – First touch the wall with your back and your head and put your feet about 50 cm forward. Slowly lower yourself until your knees form a 90 degree angle. Do not lower your thighs lower than your knees, and then stand back up. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  • exercise 2 ā€“ Take a chair and sit on it or stand up straight. Then, relax your arms at the sides of your body and, while inhaling, slowly raise them until they reach over your head. Then, while exhaling, lower your arms back down. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  • exercise 3 ā€“ Stand up straight and place your hands on the back of a chair in front of you. Then slowly bend your knees and lower your body down as far as possible. Stay in this position for a few seconds and slowly stand up. Try to keep your back straight. Repeat the exercise 5-20 times.
  • exercise 4 ā€“ First find a larger towel and roll it up. Then sit on an exercise ball or on the floor and slide the towel over one of your feet. Try to grasp the two ends, pull them out and hold the cloth taut for a few seconds. For best effect, keep your knees straight. Then do the same with your other foot and repeat this exercise 5-10 times at home.

Therapeutic gymnastics for seniors in old age

improve the flexibility of bones and joints in old age through gymnastics for seniors

  • Exercise 1 ā€“ While standing, place your hands on the backrest of a chair positioned in front of you. Then slowly begin to bend one of your legs so that it forms a right angle at the knee. Try holding this position for a few seconds and bring your leg back to the starting position. Then do the same with your other leg and repeat 5-20 times.
  • exercise 2 ā€“ Another therapeutic effect can be achieved by lying face down on the floor with your arms outstretched. Then, raise your arms and move them up and down like you’re swimming for about 30 seconds. Then bring your arms back to the floor in a relaxed manner and repeat this gymnastic exercise 5-10 times. Try to include your legs as well, moving them along with your arms.
  • exercise 3 – Last but not least, you can try another therapeutic exercise for the elderly, lying on an exercise ball or on the floor. Try to keep your balance on the stability ball and bend your knees. At the same time, keep your arms alongside your body with your palms facing down. Now raise your head and neck as if doing sit-ups. Then extend your arms parallel to the floor and start moving them up and down. After that, turn your palms up and perform the same movements. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times without overexerting yourself.
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