Home » Hand tremors and rapid heartbeat are just some of the effects of these common, very useful drugs

Hand tremors and rapid heartbeat are just some of the effects of these common, very useful drugs

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Hand tremors and rapid heartbeat are just some of the effects of these common, very useful drugs

There are drugs that can be purchased without going to the doctor and drugs that, on the other hand, must be purchased exclusively under a doctor’s prescription. In any case, we should see the doctor for any symptoms, especially if they lasted for several days.

Based on our symptoms, the doctor will understand what possible pathology or disease we are developing and, later, will prescribe the drug. Consequently, we should avoid buying drugs without his advice.

However, with or without a prescription, all medications can have side effects. We have seen it with these drugs that are useful for heart and liver problems. The side effects can be many, from the mildest to the most serious.

There are particular drugs, strictly prescribed by the doctor, which are used only by certain categories of subjects, namely asthmatics. These are divided into two main classes, namely bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory, which, however, have more or less the same side effects.

The anti-asthmatics

Hand tremors and rapid heartbeat are just some of the unwanted consequences of asthma medications, yet there are people who cannot do without them. In these cases, it is chronic asthma. In any case, it can happen to anyone to have asthma and, in these cases, we speak of transient asthma.

It is an annoying feeling of “air hunger”. In fact, it occurs due to the narrowing of the bronchi. Among the risk factors of asthma, there are subjects suffering from obesity, as well as suffering from hormonal imbalances. But it can also be caused by the external environment.

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Asthmatic people, during crises, need, in fact, anti-asthmatics. As the ISS claims, the type, dose and duration vary from person to person. For this reason, a prescription is essential.

Hand tremors and rapid heartbeat are just some of the effects of these common, very useful drugs

As anticipated, antiasthmatics also have side effects. In the case of inhaled bronchodilators, in addition to hand tremor and tachycardia, there may also be headache, hoarseness, dry mouth and cough.

Then, there are antiasthmatics taken by mouth, which could cause insomnia, nausea, vomiting and restlessness. If we have even just one of these effects, it is advisable to contact your doctor, who will evaluate how to proceed.

As for inhaled anti-inflammatories, these are corticosteroids. This means that, in addition to hoarseness and sore throat, they could also cause candidiasis. But it would be those taken by mouth that would have the most serious effects, such as osteoporosis, weight gain, water retention, increased blood sugar, among others. Again, we recommend that you contact your doctor immediately.

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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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