Home » Health Crisis Continues to Drive Demand: Nursing and Medicine Remain the Most Sought-After Degrees by Companies

Health Crisis Continues to Drive Demand: Nursing and Medicine Remain the Most Sought-After Degrees by Companies

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Health Crisis Continues to Drive Demand: Nursing and Medicine Remain the Most Sought-After Degrees by Companies

Title: Nursing and Medicine Continue to Be the Most In-Demand Degrees by Companies

The health crisis has had a significant impact on the demand for certain degrees, with Nursing and Medicine remaining the most sought-after degrees by companies for the second year in a row. According to a report by Infoempleo and the Adecco Group, Nursing is at the top of the list with 10.78% of total offers for university students in 2022. Medicine closely follows with 10.52%, while Education and Pedagogy claim the third spot with 9.80% of the offers. Business Administration and Management, which held the third position last year, has now moved to fourth place with 5.26%.

Despite Nursing maintaining its leading position, there has been a slight decline in its demand compared to 2021, with a reduction of 1.64 percentage points. Similarly, Medicine has also experienced a decrease of 2.89 points from the previous year. This decline reflects the normalization of the healthcare situation in the aftermath of the pandemic.

The report further highlights the growth in demand for degrees in Education and Pedagogy, surpassing Business Administration and Management. The healthcare sector’s stabilization has facilitated this shift, leading to a 7.85-point increase in the ranking for Education and Pedagogy degrees, while Business Administration and Management continues its downward trend.

The Community of Madrid, Andalusia, Catalonia, and Castilla y León are the regions offering the highest percentage of job opportunities for university graduates. Together, these regions account for 56.53% of the total offers. The order of these regions remains consistent with the previous year, with the Community of Madrid leading the way at 19.85%, followed by Andalusia (13.81%), Catalonia (12.84%), and Castilla y León (10.02%).

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In terms of career aspirations, Spanish university students dream of working at renowned international companies such as Apple, Amazon, and Google. These companies continue to capture the imagination of graduates, offering attractive career prospects.

The report reveals that university studies have successfully recovered from the setbacks faced in 2020. Over the past year, the presence of university graduates in job offers increased by 0.89 points, accounting for 37.30% of published jobs. Companies recognize the value of hiring individuals with higher education qualifications.

Examining the different branches of knowledge, Health Sciences careers remain the most coveted for the second consecutive year, constituting 40.28% of the total demand. However, there has been a notable decline of 6.68 points compared to 2021. Social and Legal Sciences careers claim the second spot with 37.06%, marking an increase of eight points from the previous year. The Engineering and Architecture field, with 20.62%, maintains a similar level of demand compared to 2021.

Despite the challenges posed by the ongoing health crisis, certain academic fields continue to thrive and demonstrate their importance in the job market. As the situation evolves, it will be interesting to see how these trends shape the future demand for different degrees and careers.

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