Home » HEALTH ECONOMY CONGRESS 2023 discusses the modernization of the health system

HEALTH ECONOMY CONGRESS 2023 discusses the modernization of the health system

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HEALTH ECONOMY CONGRESS 2023 discusses the modernization of the health system

Hamburg – “Starting in the rural regions, there will be fundamental changes in the healthcare system in the coming years,” says the healthcare entrepreneur and President of the HEALTH ECONOMY CONGRESS 2023, Prof. Heinz Lohmann, with certainty. Both the outpatient and the inpatient offer structure could no longer meet the expectations of the shrinking population. The background is the lack of skilled workers both in the practices and in the hospitals.

The reorganization of health services could use the opportunities of digitization to bring services that were previously separate institutionally and spatially closer together. It is therefore possible in the future to come to an ever stronger link between the previously separate outpatient and inpatient areas. Analogue and digital platforms would bundle and network the various providers. The emerging networks required active management. It doesn’t work without structuring the offers. This is a promising perspective for active managers in the healthcare industry. They would have to move from administrators of previously separately provided medical services to designers of diversified health offers and could cooperate with the management of outpatient medical chains and municipal health networks. Prof. Lohmann advocates not throwing the tried-and-tested term “hospital” overboard lightly. For many people, the term stands for competence in medicine. It should therefore be retained, but the content should be adapted to modern requirements. In this way, traditional hospitals for inpatients would gradually become places for locally demanded health services that bring together different providers. Highly concentrated cutting-edge medicine is connected directly to the regional networks using telemedicine tools. Heinz Lohmann concludes: “System innovations that usually arise in urban regions could arise in the coming years due to the shortages in the area and there ‘set off’ in the direction of conurbations”.

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The HEALTH MANAGEMENT CONGRESS 2023 on September 19th and 20th in Hamburg will address this important topic under the heading: “Innovation comes from the provinces: Lack is the best driver”. Led by dr Florian Gerster, former Minister of State Ddiscuss the managing director and co-founder of TCC GmbH, david bargthe owner of Müller-Dodt Healthcare Transformation, Janine Müller-Dodtthe sole director of BKK VBU, Andrea Galle, Tomislav Gmajnic from Paracelsus Kliniken Deutschland GmbH & Co. KGaA, the hospital manager and university lecturer Karsten Honselthe managing director of Klinikum Ernst von Bergmann gGmbH, Prof. h. c. Hans Ulrich Schmidtand the managing director of WMC HEALTHCARE GmbH, Prof. Dr. Christian Wallwiener.

Watch the web TV talk “HUMAN HEALTH! Heinz Lohmann meets Hans-Ulrich Schmidt, Managing Director of the Ernst von Bergmann Group”.

Current information on the 2023 HEALTH ECONOMY CONGRESS on September 19th and 20th in Hamburg and direct registration can be found at any time at: www.gesundheitswirtschaftskongress.de

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