Home » Health: Good fats – four oils are particularly good for your heart

Health: Good fats – four oils are particularly good for your heart

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Health: Good fats – four oils are particularly good for your heart

According to the German Heart Foundation, 1.7 million people are treated for heart disease in Germany every year. It is therefore important to prevent preventable diseases. And that starts with a healthy and balanced diet.

If fresh vegetables and fruit, fiber and high-quality fats end up on your plate regularly, you are doing a lot right. But did you know that fat doesn’t just mean fat?

Eating healthy: What are good fats and what are bad fats?

We speak of high-quality or good fats if they lower cholesterol in the blood. On the contrary, unhealthier trans fats increase cholesterol, which can subsequently clog blood vessels. This increases the risk of a heart attack, for example.

These unhealthy fats are mainly found in fried, baked or fried foods. These are, for example, cookies or croissants as well as fries or ready meals.

Four oils keep your heart healthy

Healthy fats include unsaturated fatty acids. They can be found in oils, for example. Four of them are particularly healthy for the cardiovascular system.

Olive oil – Mediterranean cuisine swears by it

Olive oil is one of the best tips when it comes to healthy oil. It has been proven that consuming olive oil can reduce the risk of heart disease, according to the German Heart Foundation.

About 80 percent of olive oil is unsaturated fatty acids, which are very important for the body. Olive oil also has anti-inflammatory effects, thanks to antioxidants in the oil.

Rapeseed oil – lots of vitamin E

The bright yellow rapeseed can be wonderfully pressed into a vegetable oil. This oleic acid also lowers cholesterol in the blood. In addition, there is not only vitamin E in rapeseed oil, but also a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which are also found in fish, for example.

Linseed oil – scores with omega-3 fatty acids

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Flaxseed oil has even more omega-3 fatty acids. This even surpasses fish dishes. It lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and is also good for the brain and also helps people with rheumatism.

Walnut oil – provides fiber

Oil from nuts is also healthy. With unsaturated fatty acids, it ensures a healthy cardiovascular system and also provides minerals for intact cells and fiber for functioning digestion.

Be careful with the oil – it’s the amount that matters

Of course, you can’t drink an entire bottle of oil to keep your heart healthy. About a tablespoon of oil every day is healthy for the body.

When consuming oil, it should also be noted that even a little oil has a lot of calories. This doesn’t mean skipping the oil because of the calories. But you should only consume oil in moderation.

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