Home » Health, in Liguria green light for the recruitment of medical specialists

Health, in Liguria green light for the recruitment of medical specialists

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Health, in Liguria green light for the recruitment of medical specialists

The recruitment of trainees in Liguria has started. The regional council, on the proposal of the health councilor Angelo Gratarola, approved the draft agreement between the Region and ten Italian universities that governs the methods of carrying out fixed-term training for postgraduates. “The Liguria Region with this act, in addition to the agreements already in place with the University of Genoa – declared the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti and the councilor for health Angelo Gratarola – establishes an agreement with other Italian universities, most of the northern and central Italian areas, but also with some universities in the south, to expand the possibility that postgraduates regularly enrolled in the third year of a course in a specific discipline of specialization can participate, by virtue of decree 145 of 2018, in competitions held by hospitals or asl in the discipline for which they attend “. It is “a concrete possibility of increasing the recruitment of medical professionals of those specializations that today are particularly lacking”.

The possible permanent recruitment of the profiles found to be suitable and placed in the relative rankings is subject to the achievement of the specialization. In this sense, companies and bodies of the national health service can proceed up to 31 December 2022 with the hiring of those who are usefully placed in the ranking with a fixed-term employment contract based on the training needs. To then give a concrete answer to the recruitment needs of specialist doctors expressed by companies, bodies and institutions of the regional health service, the department has deemed it appropriate to carry out a survey in the universities of different regions following the resolution of the regional council that approves the scheme in agreement with the University of Genoa. The draft agreement, which saw the favorable opinion of the regional observatory for specialist medicine, was stipulated between the Liguria Region and the following universities: University of Naples Federico II, University of Ferrara, University of Brescia, Vita Salute S. Raffaele University, Pavia University, Insubria University, Florence University, Pisa University, Padua University, Verona University. With this agreement scheme, the Liguria Region will be able to enter into further agreements with any other interested universities throughout the national territory.

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