Home » Healthy eating is not enough: to extend your life you also need to do these simple things

Healthy eating is not enough: to extend your life you also need to do these simple things

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Healthy eating is not enough: to extend your life you also need to do these simple things

The Little Secret to Living Longer and Better

Everyone wants to live a longer and better life, and while nutrition plays a vital role, there’s another little secret that can help you achieve this. A recent study has shown that in addition to a healthy diet, an active lifestyle is essential for longevity and overall well-being.

According to a report in the weekly magazine New, simply having a correct diet is not enough to promote longevity. The modern sedentary lifestyle, with long hours spent sitting in front of screens, has become a major hindrance to our health. The article suggests that making better use of our breaks between work, and being more active in general, can significantly contribute to a longer and healthier life.

Secrets to Living Longer and Better

In addition to a proper diet, the article in New highlights the importance of an active lifestyle. It suggests walking at least 10,000 steps a day, and provides tips such as using the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further away to encourage more walking, and incorporating more intense physical activities like swimming or light running at least twice a week. The article also emphasizes the importance of adequate rest, recommending 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

Furthermore, the report stresses the importance of taking the time to eat mindfully, avoiding eating at a desk and ensuring to chew food thoroughly for better digestion.

Overall, the article in New reveals that longevity and well-being are not just about what we eat, but also about how active and mindful we are in our daily lives. Incorporating these suggestions into our routines could lead to a longer and better quality of life.

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